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Charging Energy Crystals

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For many of you this is probably very simple. However, I can not seem to figure out how to charge energy crystals. I have googled and googled, and the googles they do nothing. The wiki says you charge Energy Crystals using an MFE unit. However, you need to have charged Energy Crystals to craft an MFE unit... I found somewhere else a recipe for a charging bench, but when I try to assemble that, it doesn't produce anything. Can anyone possibly help me with this? Thanks. 



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You can use empty Energy Crystals to craft an MFE unit. 

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You do not need charged Energy Crystals to craft an MFE.

Hope I helped!

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The amount you charge them is the amount of charge the Items start off with.  I'm not sure if it works with the MFE's, but it works with jetpacks and such.



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While Redstone Energy Cells retain their charge and settings when you pick them up, MFEs do not. They also do not retain charge from the Energy Crystals used in crafting them. Thus, Energy Crystals with no charge whatsoever work just as well as Energy Crystals that have been fully charged when crafting an MFE. The end result is the same in either case: an empty MFE. When crafting an item (as opposed to a block) that requires energy crystals, RE-batteries, etc, more often than not, the amount of charge in the energy storage device(s) used in crafting the item has an impact on the amount of charge there is in the item itself.


However, since the MFE is a block, it does not retain the charge from the Crystals used in crafting it. This is also true with the MFSU and almost all power storage blocks. The only exceptions to this rule, as far as I know, are the Interdimensional Storage Unit from GregTech (in a roundabout manner; still can't be crafted with power in it, but if it is picked up, the power "inside" the unit persists as it is technically stored in an "alternate dimension" and not "inside" the block itself; thus, other IDSUs placed subsequently will also be able to access this "interdimensionally stored" energy) and the Redstone Energy Cell from Thermal Expansion.


To make a long story short, the IC2 team hasn't quite evolved to the point where they can make it so that a block can have attributes while in one's inventory, and the point at which those attributes can be determined by the state of the items used in crafting it or by the state of the block when it was picked up.

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My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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Thanks everyone for the quick replies, and digitallyApocalyptic that's useful stuff to know, so thanks. 


However my problem remains. When I go to craft an MFE unit in the manner described here: http://wiki.industri...?title=MFE_Unit (and using empty energy crystals) it does not craft anything in return. Unless there's some possibility that crafting this requires two of the different mods and I only have one installed correctly, so that I get the items but can't make the MFE...if that's even possible I don't know. 




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Thanks everyone for the quick replies, and digitallyApocalyptic that's useful stuff to know, so thanks.

However my problem remains. When I go to craft an MFE unit in the manner described here: http://wiki.industri...?title=MFE_Unit (and using empty energy crystals) it does not craft anything in return. Unless there's some possibility that crafting this requires two of the different mods and I only have one installed correctly, so that I get the items but can't make the MFE...if that's even possible I don't know.

Are you sure? Are you not using copper cables instead of gold, Advanced Machine blocks instead of Machine blocks? It works for me. Well, if in doubt, use NEI.

Hope I helped!

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The MFE and all the components used in its crafting are provided by the same mod, IndustrialCraft 2, so I doubt that it's a problem pertaining to the absence of some other mod. What you could do is look up the recipe for the MFE via NEI while in the interface for a Crafting Table, click the little question mark button (this lays out a blueprint of sorts in the crafting table for the desired item) and then place your items in the appropriate slots described by the blueprint. If this still yields nothing (also make sure you're using the right variety of cable and machine block) then there's a major bug with your mod pack and you'll probably need to reinstall the mod pack. If that still doesn't work, then I'm not sure what to tell you.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.

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Thanks everyone for the quick replies, and digitallyApocalyptic that's useful stuff to know, so thanks. 


However my problem remains. When I go to craft an MFE unit in the manner described here: http://wiki.industri...?title=MFE_Unit (and using empty energy crystals) it does not craft anything in return. Unless there's some possibility that crafting this requires two of the different mods and I only have one installed correctly, so that I get the items but can't make the MFE...if that's even possible I don't know. 



also double check that you are using double insulated gold cables. I did that mistake myself for awhile

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