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Rotating a RedPower2 Block Breaker?

Best Answer RZR0 , 25 June 2013 - 10:40 AM

Use a Screwdriver or a Sonic Screwdriver to rotate RP2 machines. Go to the full post »

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This thing.  Tried various wrenches, no luck.  I am trying to install 300 block breakers underneath an area without ripping out what's above.  I've also tried sneak-placing from below and that also doesn't work.


If I want them facing up, do I have no option but to place them from above?


I have a large expanse devoted to maturing Bog Earth into Peat.  I don't want to mess with Forestry turbaries because all the fertilizer and tending sounds a lot like work for a small square of peat output.  Manually putting down the layer of Bog Earth is easy, but matured Peat is tough like leather and takes a while to break even with an Efficiency IV diamond tool (and no tool is faster than any other tool, I tried.)  So I'm putting a bank of block breakers underneath to just pop em.


I can dig the current Peat up but now I'm just curious if anyone knows if RP Block Breakers can be rotated once placed, at all.  If so or if no, that could be mentioned on the wiki page as well.




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✓  Best Answer
Use a Screwdriver or a Sonic Screwdriver to rotate RP2 machines.
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Heh, if you want to try all the wrenches, you can always see the http://ftbwiki.org/Wrench page. Note that the Screwdriver is listed there, so you would have hit it eventually ^_^




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Use a Screwdriver or a Sonic Screwdriver to rotate RP2 machines.



Funny, in Technic Pack before I migrated to FTB, I never touched RedPower.  Now I'm into it, since Gregtech made IC2 Solar Panels beyond the base one require UU Matter to make some Sunnarium Part or some crap.  And that's just to go from a 1 EU/t solar panel to an 8 EU/t model.


I'm on the MJ standard now.


By the time I have enough Iridium to even make a Matter Fabricator, I'll have a Mystcraft Desert eternal noon age carpeted with RP Solar Panels driving Blulectric Engines.



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Actually, that's not GregTech, that's the Advanced Solar Panels addon that does that. On FTB, this addon is set to "hard-mode", meaning that the recipes are quite a bit more expensive, requiring more UU-Matter and more Iridium by an order of magnitude.


IMO, it's not worth it to go from a Solar Panel to an Advanced Solar Panel unless you then make it a Hybrid Solar Panel. I've made five Hybrids thus far on my SSP world, and they power my base just fine at a rate of a good solid 320 EU/t. Matter Fabricator + Lightningrod + Rainmaker (and then subsequently an Eternal Storm age) generates decent amounts of UU, I've had my Fabricator running on lightning power in an Eternal Storm age and I think I'm up to about 7 or 8 stacks of UU at this point. The Lightningrod is decently expensive, but that plus a good amount of iron for fences to stack on top of it and an Eternal Storm age causes power to generate at quite a quick pace if you set it up right.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.

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