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Problems with making covers / Handsaw

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When I try to craft a recipe that uses a handsaw, the hand saw is instantly consumed as if it had no durability. Is this a known issue? Is there a setting to check?


I am playing in Ultimate with the hard GregTech recipes disabled.


Thanks in advance for any help you can give me on this.



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From the RedPower EAQ at www.eloraam.com:


"Somehow, you’ve managed to incorrectly install Forge. There are many ways to do this. You might have used a frontend program that told you that it conflicted with ModLoader, and then prevented the overwrite. Or you may have installed ModLoader on top of Forge."


Of course, provided that the rest of the game is working just fine, it's probably not a problem with Forge, so here are some quick fixes you can try relevant to modifying the FTB client:


Have you modified your game files in any way whatsoever except for changing GregTech's config? If you have, revert any changes that you've made and try again. If you haven't, revert the GregTech changes and try again (I'm not sure why that would change things, but who knows? If this doesn't work, change GregTech back how you like it.)


These are quick fixes that might work, whereas the more likely scenario is that the copy of Forge that you've received with your FTB client is somehow corrupted/broken, or you've installed ModLoader on top of it, which is both a no-no and redundant as Forge has ModLoader present inside it by default. Try force-updating (Options tab --> Force Update, then Launch in the FTB launcher.) If that doesn't work, delete everything in your mods directory (on Windows, C:/Users/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/AppData/Roaming/.feedthebeast/Ultimate/minecraft/mods) while keeping the config files, then launch FTB to redownload the files. Also make sure you've not moved anything from a folder where it was to another folder (e.g. moving RedPower from mods to coremods or moving Forge in the opposite way) and that you've not installed anything into your minecraft.jar such as OptiFine. These kind of mods should go into C:/Users/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/AppData/Roaming/.feedthebeast/Ultimate/instMods.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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Thanks for the quick response, I tried your suggestions but the bug still remains.



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Are you sure it's disappearing and not just glitching out? Try to place an item where the saw was in the crafting table.


Though this is unlikely, it's still worth a try, especially if you're using Project tables or other item storage means of crafting.




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I did some more testing and found that the glitch is in the autocrafting table, the saw does not disappear when using a vanilla crafting table or a project table. That I can work around, but i seem to have broken my Mystcraft..... my linking books are not working.


Thanks again for your help. 

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