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Soul Crystal?

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In NEI under the latest Ultimate pack version, there is a "Soul Crystal," item ID 1478.  Using the keyboard shortcuts while mousing over the slowly spinning crystal in NEI, it shows neither Uses nor Recipes for it.


Anyone know what it is?  It's not a Soul Shard, or the crystals or crystal clusters you can dig up that are Thaumcraft's, so I'm just curious.


Reason I was looking up "soul" was if there was anything that stored experience levels in FTB like there was in Technic pack.  I have 76 levels from all the work I've been doing on Soul Shards and related spawners, and I really don't need to enchant anything right now.  First thing you know I'll get blown up by a creeper or fall in a Quarry and it will be gone.


(EDIT: the item is in neither the old nor new wikis, at least under the apparent name "Soul Crystal.")

Celestial Oblivion

Celestial Oblivion

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I don't know if you can put already accumulated experience in them, but I think Brain in a Jars from Thaumcraft and the various experience turtles are the only items that will store XP. You should probably start enchanting things, even if its just books if you're afraid to lose it.


I'd guess Soul Crystals might be an unimplemented feature of Xycraft but that is pure speculation.

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I don't know if you can put already accumulated experience in them, but I think Brain in a Jars from Thaumcraft and the various experience turtles are the only items that will store XP. You should probably start enchanting things, even if its just books if you're afraid to lose it.


I'd guess Soul Crystals might be an unimplemented feature of Xycraft but that is pure speculation.

cool! thanks for the info.  Maybe some jar wrangler will stumble on this and say "oh, yeah, everything 1475-1499 is from the now-defunct PeanutButterCraft which was implemented for a week then removed when it was discovered that the Jelly recipe cause client crashes, and um, Soul Crystals were to make spreading knives out of but were never removed."


Or something.



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Last time I checked, Soul Crystals are in the same range of IDs as the Soul Forge and other blocks from Soul Shards. This is usually a good way of determining what mod something is from; if you know what mod adds the blocks near it ID-wise, it's probably from that mod. My guess is that the Soul Crystal is/was an unimplemented feature from Soul Shards. I'm not sure what it does/was intended to do, but it seems to me that the most likely answer is that they were going to be how Souls were stored until the actual shards were invented, perhaps created via cooking Glowstone blocks in a Soul Forge with some Corrupted Essence. This is all just me guessing though, so don't quote me on this or take what I'm saying as true/false.


I'm fairly certain that there is no device that can take your XP away from you. Dying would allow a Brain in a Jar to pick up your XP and store it for later, although due to a bug/anomaly in the Minecraft code, this will reduce the XP you get to 11 levels. (I say anomaly because I think this may be an intended feature to prevent massive quantities of XP entities dropping on one's death and lagging the server to the Nether and back.)

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In one of Direwolf20's videos on the previous Forgecraft server, he showed a work-in-progress item from Soul Shards which may be what you're seeing. It was a large crystal placed into the world, which was able to store souls for future use beyond simply making spawners.


As for storing levels... I can't think of anything in FTB that will store levels you've already gained. I know that DartCraft has the Experience Tome for doing so, but that looks like it's only available in Minecraft 1.5.



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Possibly worth noting the interesting names, "soul shard" indicating that it's fragmented, and then there's the large "soul crystal".



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Good news! The XP Extractor from MineFactory Reloaded can be used to take an empty bucket and some XP from the player to make a bucket of Essence. Then using a Straw, you can drink the Essence to get XP. I don't know if XP is perfectly preserved via this process, but it would be better than losing all the XP if you die.

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