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thaumcraft table problem

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when I add dirt to a research table to get solum it wont appear I need it for boots of the traveller any ideas?



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Can you provide a screenshot of your situation in the Research Table GUI? Also, are you researching the Boots of the Traveller and not something else? Also, have you researched all tier 1 objects? If you've researched all tier 1 objects, you'll be able to make the Wand of the Adept. If you haven't done so already, finish tier 1, then try to get Boots of the Traveller again.


The thing is, Thaumcraft works in a really weird way. As of MC 1.4.7, its researching system "chooses" a specific item for you to research and then won't let you research anything else until the given item is completed, at least in my experience. You may have to research several other odd objects that you don't need/want before getting to the Boots of the Traveller.

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Celestial Oblivion

Celestial Oblivion

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Can you provide a screenshot of your situation in the Research Table GUI? Also, are you researching the Boots of the Traveller and not something else? Also, have you researched all tier 1 objects? If you've researched all tier 1 objects, you'll be able to make the Wand of the Adept. If you haven't done so already, finish tier 1, then try to get Boots of the Traveller again.


The thing is, Thaumcraft works in a really weird way. As of MC 1.4.7, its researching system "chooses" a specific item for you to research and then won't let you research anything else until the given item is completed, at least in my experience. You may have to research several other odd objects that you don't need/want before getting to the Boots of the Traveller.


There is a way around this. Put many different items into the research table at once so that you have at least one of every aspect required for the boots of the traveler. That will cause the game to pick a research that uses all of those things. Granted if there is a research that uses all of those aspects and more you might still get the wrong thing, but it does make it pretty unlikely and at the minimum really cuts down on junk research you have to go through.

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