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Worlds ftb crash help

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  • IGN:supergamerx3
  • Modpack:Magic Farm

Well i was playing ftb for like a week then my game crashed i started it up and all of my worlds were deleted please help i heard that my worlds could be courupted but i dont know what to do please help



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I can't think of how the game crashing would delete all your worlds (Corrupting the world you were in, yes, but not deleting them all). The first thing I'd suggest doing is verifying you have the same modpack selected as before, since if you had been using the Magic Farm pack, but now you're accidentally opening the Ultimate pack, for example, your worlds would not be listed.



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I suppose it is (vaguely) possible that (force-)updating your mod pack may have deleted your worlds, as the launcher may have made a mistake about which files it was supposed to keep and which files it's not supposed to keep. Here's what I'd advise doing: go to your FTB directory (on some computers, C:/Users/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/AppData/Roaming/.feedthebeast and FTBDIRECTORY/.feedthebeast on others where FTBDIRECTORY is wherever your FTB launcher is) and look up the corresponding folder to whatever mod pack you were using. From there, go to the minecraft folder, then the saves folder. If your saves are still there, try force-updating, switching packs, creating a new world and seeing if that refreshes the list, etc. If your saves aren't there any more, then there's probably no way to get them back, unless they were deleted by mistake, in which case there's a chance you might find them in the Recycle Bin on your computer.


EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot about this. In more recent versions of FTB, the install directory for FTB has switched. Your saves are probably located in C:/Users/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/AppData/Roaming/.feedthebeast/MagicFarm/minecraft/saves, but your computer is searching in FTBDIRECTORY/.feedthebeast/MagicFarm/minecraft/saves. Make sure of this by creating a world on your mod pack of choice, then looking in FTBDIRECTORY/.feedthebeast/MagicFarm/minecraft/saves to see if it's there, then check for your old world(s) in the other folder. If it works, you can then either change the FTB install directory via the Options pane (to C:/Users.../.feedthebeast) or, if that scares you, you can copy over your saves from C:/Users.../saves to FTBDIRECTORY/.../saves, or vice versa depending on how the install directory has switched.


If neither of these folders contain any of your old worlds, then only the top paragraph applies.


Also, would you mind pasting the crash log if you can find it? It'll be under .feedthebeast/MagicFarm/minecraft/crash-reports, and make sure to check both possible install directories.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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I suppose it is (vaguely) possible that (force-)updating your mod pack may have deleted your worlds, as the launcher may have made a mistake about which files it was supposed to keep and which files it's not supposed to keep. Here's what I'd advise doing: go to your FTB directory (on some computers, C:/Users/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/AppData/Roaming/.feedthebeast and FTBDIRECTORY/.feedthebeast on others where FTBDIRECTORY is wherever your FTB launcher is) and look up the corresponding folder to whatever mod pack you were using. From there, go to the minecraft folder, then the saves folder. If your saves are still there, try force-updating, switching packs, creating a new world and seeing if that refreshes the list, etc. If your saves aren't there any more, then there's probably no way to get them back, unless they were deleted by mistake, in which case there's a chance you might find them in the Recycle Bin on your computer.


EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot about this. In more recent versions of FTB, the install directory for FTB has switched. Your saves are probably located in C:/Users/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/AppData/Roaming/.feedthebeast/MagicFarm/minecraft/saves, but your computer is searching in FTBDIRECTORY/.feedthebeast/MagicFarm/minecraft/saves. Make sure of this by creating a world on your mod pack of choice, then looking in FTBDIRECTORY/.feedthebeast/MagicFarm/minecraft/saves to see if it's there, then check for your old world(s) in the other folder. If it works, you can then either change the FTB install directory via the Options pane (to C:/Users.../.feedthebeast) or, if that scares you, you can copy over your saves from C:/Users.../saves to FTBDIRECTORY/.../saves, or vice versa depending on how the install directory has switched.


If neither of these folders contain any of your old worlds, then only the top paragraph applies.


Also, would you mind pasting the crash log if you can find it? It'll be under .feedthebeast/MagicFarm/minecraft/crash-reports, and make sure to check both possible install directories.

For me, my folders for the separate modpacks are located in the directory above the one the FTB Launcher's in.

I know I should probably just call my FTB Launcher Folder 'FTB Launcher', but I'm afraid that might screw things up.MydirectoryofMCversions_zps4aca7d77.png

Hope I helped!

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Worlds, ftb, crash, help

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