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Unleashed server 1.1.3 - Minewarz - Whitelisted/PvP

small server open Unleashed

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  • IGN:Fureil
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

Hi guys,

some friends and me opened recently a Ultimate server, but as this modpack will not be updated before long, we decided to test the Unleashed modpack.

We need more people to join our (very?) small community. As some abandoned this game, we would like to give their place to kind people! 


A trash map is ongoing on the server, it's a good opportunity to judge your maturity (keep cool, we have some trolls too ;) ), but also the opportunity to know us, and let us know about you. When we're done with introductions, we would restart from wood-chopping and mining with stone pickaxes for the win!


EDIT: The new map will be added today (8/29/13), tomorrow at most.


Requires : bravery, (very) big sense of humor, fair play, cheerfulness, and obviously, Unleashed pack installed ;). Further rules would be explained, but they're only made to assure some role play in the game. (Like, don't play alone, give, ask ; one word : SHARE!)


As a "formal rule" in application, complete this part of the admission ticket :


Why do you want to join?
Do you have mumble?
How experienced are you with FTB?
Additional info about yourself:
This server has 7 slots, but we can anytime change this depending on the way you play (casual/hardcore with bottles for... forget it) and of course the number you are (or the chance people would connect at the same time).
Free (12 slots) Mumble server available.

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Why do you want to join?i love to play ftb
Do you have mumble?no 
How experienced are you with FTB?mid
Additional info about yourself:i like to play guitar and minecraft

Yes, I do have mumble.


Please don't double post in the future, there's an edit button for a reason. :)


~Fly safe, Firemx

Edited by Firemx, 31 July 2013 - 08:38 AM.
Merged double post




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  • IGN:midgetassin
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IGN: midgetassin
Age: I"m only 14 but I hope you let me join you.
Why do you want to join? I recently joined a whitelisted server hoping to do a YouTube series and it was pretty much just a public server but with a whitelisting to it so that u had to come through there forum. So i decide to find a new server.
Do you have mumble? I have it now.
How experienced are you with FTB? I have been playing for over a year with FTB but i have played a lot of the mods on it for two years.
Additional info about yourself I live in the united states in the central time zone. I have a very crappy computer but are upgrading soon mostly just the ram and graphics card.

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IGN: Aezex

Age: 14

Why do you want to join? I have always wanted to join a small server with a close knit community, and playing FTB at the same time would be awesome.

Do you have mumble? No

How experienced are you with FTB? I don't have much experience, but I do know a few things about Thaumcraft 3, Magic Bees, Equivalent Exchange 3 and a few others.

Additional information about yourself: I live in EST and I am very good at Minecraft. I love mining.


EDIT: Good, got the address. Will try to log on soon.


EDIT: I was wondering when the trash map would go, and we would get to the real thing. A meet-up would be nice. Btw, I died in the nether, and my items are directly above spawn, straight up, guarded by angry pigmen, giant spiders, and magma cubes. I had some good stuff and anyone who wants it can go get it.

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1.6 modpack? Download Java 7 here. 1.7.10+? Download Java 8 here.




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  • IGN:Fureil
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

Ok i will add you soon on the withelist for a test; here's the adress of the server (that i forgot to add ^^') : m5.minecraft-illimity.com:26638


EDIT : added you all, welcome for the test period




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  • IGN:farmertravis
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IGN: farmertravis
Age: 14
Why do you want to join? because my other whitelisted server got shut down
Do you have mumble? no
How experienced are you with FTB? i am experienced ive played ultimate before
Additional info about yourself: i love minecraft. have been playing since 1.2.5 i think!




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  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed


I've added all of you, but it would be nice if i could catch you in the game (i know its a bit difficult with the time offset) to make your acquaintance.

I know the server seems deserted, but my friends are on vacation or got a student job.

We should agree on a date for an appointment in the game.


Thanks! And more people are still welcome ;).



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  • Modpack:Unlisted Pack

I was wondering when the trash server was to be dropped, and the real one implemented. The meet-up would be a good time to talk. I'm available most weekends and weekdays late in the afternoon.


EDIT: (CANNOT ENTER SERVER!) Fixed! I was wondering if we could meet up sometime soon too. What times are you on Fureil?

EDIT: it's very laggy on there, even though i'm always the only one on. Very hard to cave and fight if you can't swing your sword or shoot your bow due to lag.

1.6 modpack? Download Java 7 here. 1.7.10+? Download Java 8 here.




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  • IGN:Fureil
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

The server will be on in no time. The version is still 1.1.3

EDIT : Working, sorry for the long issue with the update, some mods were recalcitrant.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: small server, open, Unleashed

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