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Currently Private Packs

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Since we have the 1.5.2 Beta Pack(s) on the front page of the wiki (and having a separate page), I guess we should have the new Unleashed, Unhinged and Direwolf20_1_5 as well. But maybe it would be better to have them in a different category?




P.S. What should the new Direwolf20 Pack be called? It wasn't mentioned on the official forum post (linked above).



Direwolf20 Pack for 1.5?

Direwolf20 Pack (1.5)?

Direwolf20 1.5 Pack?

Hope I helped!

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I'd vote for "Direwolf20 1.5 Pack".



    Steampunk Alchemist

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I'd vote for "Direwolf20 1.5 Pack".

Sounds good to me.

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I'd vote for "Direwolf20 1.5 Pack".

Yeah, so would I. The only problem is that this pack is probably going to update to MC 1.6 and above.


So I'm assuming you agree with the new front-page category bit thing, so how should they be headed?


Private Packs?

Unavailable Packs?

Future Packs?

WIP Packs?

Upcoming Packs?

Hope I helped!

YT: http://youtube.com/ZL234
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZL234

Aerom Xundes

Aerom Xundes


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  • Modpack:Direwolf20 Pack

Perhaps use

Direwolf20 Pack (MC 1.5)

to show the number indicates which MC version it is compatible with, and not a pack version number? On the FTB launcher, it lists DW20's packs as

Direwolf20 Pack (v5.3.2) Minecraft Version 1.4.7

where the parentheses differentiate between pack versions, and not Minecraft versions.



Having two different meanings for the parentheses would be confusing.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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Perhaps use

Direwolf20 Pack (MC 1.5)

to show the number indicates which MC version it is compatible with, and not a pack version number? On the FTB launcher, it lists DW20's packs as

Direwolf20 Pack (v5.3.2) Minecraft Version 1.4.7

where the parentheses differentiate between pack versions, and not Minecraft versions.



Having two different meanings for the parentheses would be confusing.

Maybe go back to the 1.5 thing and just say MC 1.5 with no parenthesis?

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