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FTB Unleashed - Fancy Graphics Bug?

FTB Unleashed Fancy Graphics

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When im in fancy mode on Unleashed, I noticed that it causes my hand and any tool im holding to become translucent, and then when I pick up a block, it causes the block in my hand to violently flash from black, to white, to this translucent effect.


Also when in fancy mode, and I press F1 to turn off my HUD, it will cause the sky to turn stark white, leaving only the clouds behind.


Ive asked in other places across the internet, and I haven't found anyone else whos having the same issue as me, please help




Here is the hand bug, this same effect occurs while holding items.



Here is the buggy sky







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Do you have Optifine installed? What kind of graphics card? Are the drivers up to date?

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