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Do Chinese massage parlors have hidden cameras?

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I've been to massage parlors which are really normal one,no special service,maybe I just didn't notice.

There are definitely some massage parlours offer the special service,but the thing is,this is illegal in China,so the prostitutes have to do this secretly.

The hidden camera thing depends on the boss,normally nobody would do that,and definitely not a practice here.




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I think it’s worth discussing the presence of a massage hidden camera in massage parlors, it’s a really cool thing, especially if you like to watch what they do to you and what helps you, regarding your statement that this is not accepted in China, it’s strange, I’ve seen these cameras in many salons and on the contrary, all the people were in favor, as for me this is a really necessary thing and it’s worth choosing exactly the right one.




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You made some very good points here. Wonderful... I think you've brought up some really good points. Keep doing what you're doing fnaf




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Asian massages typically involve a combination of manual techniques, including pressure, stretching, and kneading, applied to different parts of the body.

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wow, your article was very interesting and use full. thank’s for the information about chinese massage parlors with hidden cameras.


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please accept my comment admin





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The use of hidden cameras would generally depend on the owner or manager of the establishment, and it's not a widespread practice in legitimate massage parlors.

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