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FTB Unleashed LP - Minecraft Youtuber 147 subs and growing!

youtube youtuber FTB Hexxit Cubeworld

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  • IGN:Wukepedia
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Just starting my New FTB Unleashed LP, Doing some science projects as well to test some things.  Long running series from Hexxit and Cubeworld are now on hold for FTB to take the reigns.  If you are looking for a mostly mature youtuber, I might be right for you.  27 years old and most of my content is PG-13 ish.  Hexxit is R for sure,  No kids there lol.  I have uploaded at least 1 video a day for over 2 months.  No signs of stopping.  Check me out!





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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: youtube, youtuber, FTB, Hexxit, Cubeworld

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