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I would certainly welcome a change to Thaumcraft research; I spent much of yesterday pounding out many of the discoveries in my new Unleashed world. The current system is alright, except when you get stuck on 1 obscured aspect to finish a discovery, and it's not apparent from the description what that could be. Or when the first aspect researched isn't enough to even reveal the discovery's name, so you're totally in the dark. I'm also down at least 3 stacks of slimeballs and several stacks of wood (mostly for trap doors... dang Motus), but I knew that was coming so didn't start with Thaumcraft until I had supplies built up. It does become just a lot of clicking once you find the right aspect, and an item you don't mind losing to research it.
As for other things in 1.6: a Xycraft update, hopefully. Coming from the 1.4 Direwolf20 Pack, I sorely miss my Xycraft Tanks in Unleashed.
Ah good a removal of those annoyingly ugly marker blocks, this might actually make item transport golems useable. Glad to see the brain in a jar golems now respond to you like how their entry in the Thaumonomicon implies they would.
Oh cool I tried to get my golems to move things to a hopper above my infernal furnace just to find that that doesn't work (lol) but 1.6 has a grate to do what I wanted, awesome.
OMFG YES. You should have opened with this. This is obviously in response to all the hate he got for the old way to research, by destroying TONS of items, but this is so effing awesome. Here is one of the more classic hates given on this subject: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KFv1eyiDX8
OMFG this looks so annoyingly bothersome yet so amazingly awesome. Focuses are a great approach to take to wands too, I did always feel that the current system is a bit too... limited...
Well it is if you look at it while thinking about TC3 What you need to do is forget about TC3 entirely, it is a completely different mod that uses similarly named things.
Location:Not somewhere where people say a fake location to try to be funny
Modpack:Private Pack
Well it is if you look at it while thinking about TC3
What you need to do is forget about TC3 entirely, it is a completely different mod that uses similarly named things.
Pretty much.
Also a couple days ago I made a new post in the Videos section about stuff in 1.6, 'cos I made a video. I guess... I don't need to make a post in the Videos section even though it's a video? Anyways, here:
Have there been any updates about the release of FTB 1.6 modpacks? With Thermal Expansion 3 basically ready, I'm hoping we'll see something "soon".
I really like the idea of the redstone flux in Thermal expansion 3, but i also like that you can still do something with MJ (i forgot what) but machines are powered by RF.