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Buildcraft Auto Workbench

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Hello. I was wondering if anyone knows how to change the amount of time it takes for an Auto workbench to craft an item? I just think it is way too slow and I want to speed it up.




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Nope. If you want it to go faster, use an Advanced Crafting Table. Those operate with Lasers, and are much, much quicker, if you use nine lasers!

Hope I helped!

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Nope. If you want it to go faster, use an Advanced Crafting Table. Those operate with Lasers, and are much, much quicker, if you use nine lasers!

Ok I'll try it out.



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Nope. If you want it to go faster, use an Advanced Crafting Table. Those operate with Lasers, and are much, much quicker, if you use nine lasers!

It is still way to slow for my cobble compacting. Even with nine lasers it is nowhere near as fast as I need.



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If you are decently well-established, you could try making a simple AE setup which utilizes an ME Molecular Assembler Chamber with patterns for the various compressed cobblestone blocks. If you ask the system to craft e.g. 99,999,999 of each, it will craft a new compressed cobblestone as soon as the resources are available for it to be created.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.



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You may also want to look into the Cyclic Assembler from Thermal Expansion. It uses 2MJ per crafting operation, but is very quick about it.

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