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Thoughts about the item ID parameter

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Currently, there are many different packs for Minecraft 1.5.2 in the official FTB launcher, as well as private packs, the unofficial Unleashed WGT and various other custom packs. These FTB packs don't necessarily share the same item map, so the item ID provided on this wiki for many items may not necessarily be accurate for all packs.


Based on that, does the item ID parameter need changing/removing? Should we add a tooltip of sorts to how this shows up on templates such as Template:Item where, upon mouse rollover, it says something like "Item ID based on PACKNAME, ID may be different based on pack" and reach a consensus on which pack to use for item IDs? (I'd say Unleashed, but then what to do about GregTech?)


Thoughts? Not sure if this really needs action, but I've been thinking about this a bit and thought that I would throw this out there.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.



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As I understand it, the item IDs for the 3 major 1.5 packs are all supposed to be consistent (thus the problem when the Direwolf20 1.5 pack was configured differently), so using the GregTech IDs from Unhinged shouldn't be a problem. I'd say we should standardize IDs to the latest "main" pack in which the item appeared, adding a new template parameter to indicate which pack the ID was pulled from. This parameter could be used in the tooltip you described, as well as to auto-categorize pages into hidden categories such as "Items with data values from Unleashed", for ease of updating these later on.

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