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MFFS v3.0 (Calclavia) Direwolf20 issue

mffs direwolf20 mffs v3.0 direwolf problem

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  • IGN:Ghostforce52
  • Modpack:Direwolf20 1.5 Pack

So in both SMP and SSP, the new MFFS by calclavia's custom mode doesn't work. After selecting two points, when you shift right click it says field saved. Then when you hover over it, it says field not saved and doesn't have coords in the readout. Before shift right clicking, it says the coords selected. Putting this module into the force field projector does nothing on either side of the shift right click. Anybody have any advice or the same issue?





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  • IGN:shadoxxHD
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

just right-click before doing so to switch to additive mode will solve your problem

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: mffs, direwolf20, mffs v3.0 direwolf problem

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