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Server receiving constant [WARNING] - How to turn off

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  • IGN:DaddyRoxx
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I am hosting a small Unleashed FTB server on my home machine with about 3-5 regular players.  I'm using Ubuntu Server as the OS for the server.  One of the players has installed a machine in the world that gives the following error to the server:


[WARNING][IC2] API ERROR:  ic2.core.block.machine.tile . . . . didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly  .. . .


The problem is that after the player logs on, this error pops up every 10 seconds or so in the server window.  It doesn't seem to be having an effect on the server or anyone's playing so I'm not going to have the player remove the machine.  Its really just a hassle for me when trying to read other server messages or interact with the players using the /say command while I'm doing something else on my machine.


Is there any way to turn off the server reporting these warnings to me and just send them to a log file?  If somebody could point me to a wiki or instruction document for server commands, I would definately appreciate it. 




Screengrab of WARNING below. .





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That my be the same problem I had once. If he has 2 of the same machine on the same power line (aka line a macerators on one wire). Then tell him to chain LV-transformers instead of wire to power them. Its an old error that appears to reoccure from time to time.



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I believe I was having the same issue on Unleashed v1.1.3 with my Mass Fab, no matter where I placed it. It's no longer occurring on v1.1.4, but... now all of my solar panels are spamming the console with some error about the energy network. And the mass fab eats scrap instantly with no benefit. Hopefully they'll have this sorted out by the next recommended release...


In know on the client FTB console there's an option to set the severity level of messages to display (error, warning, debug), but I'm not sure if such an option exists for the server console.

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