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Vanilla-changing Mods Article?

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A lot of times, a user will run into a miscellaneous change to vanilla behavior, and wonder which mod is causing it. I think it would be nice to have a centralized easy-to-find article that documents these.


A few examples:

Beehives - Forestry

Nyan Cat Splash - Portal Gun Mod (I think)

Floating Islands in 1.1.4+ - Tinker's Construct

Levels and Hunger mostly kept on death - Tinker's Construct

Mobs *spawn* wearing your equipment - Unknown (JadedCat doesn't know about it, so it's none of her mods). Note that often people will notice mobs wearing power armor, nano armor, or quantum armor and think that it's a bug in those mods for not blacklisting their armor, when they actually did, and the player doesn't realize that the mob is wearing the same armor that they or a nearby player are. I discovered it because I always wear assorted armor and found it on a zombie pigman, wielding my fairly unique TiC shovel.


This is especially useful for things you can't simply pick up, read the block name of, and then punch it into the wiki searchbar.



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The nyan cat splash is actually VoxelMenu.

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    Steampunk Alchemist

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How would we know what to include in the article?

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I think it would be pretty much anything that:

* Changes vanilla behavior

* Does not have an easily-identifiable name or a slightly more generic name that can easily be looked up (such as the new villagers, which you could find on the "Villager" page - which we should have anyways even though we currently don't)


Things that would be obviously excluded from this list:

* Craftables

* Individual items found in loot chests, since you can look up their name (although perhaps a link to a page explaining changes to dungeon loot)

* Ores, since you can mine them, see the ore/ingot name, and look it up

* Individual biomes, since you can F3 and look up their name


Whenever we come across something that matches that criteria, we stick it on the page.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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I think it would be pretty much anything that:

* Changes vanilla behavior

* Does not have an easily-identifiable name or a slightly more generic name that can easily be looked up (such as the new villagers, which you could find on the "Villager" page - which we should have anyways even though we currently don't)


Things that would be obviously excluded from this list:

* Craftables

* Individual items found in loot chests, since you can look up their name (although perhaps a link to a page explaining changes to dungeon loot)

* Ores, since you can mine them, see the ore/ingot name, and look it up

* Individual biomes, since you can F3 and look up their name


Whenever we come across something that matches that criteria, we stick it on the page.

Ok, that second rule is key but that first one could be applied to anything...?

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I'm not sure which mod but in Magic Farm there is a mod that completely changes hunger.



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I'm not sure which mod but in Magic Farm there is a mod that completely changes hunger.


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@felinoel: correct. It would need to meet both criteria. The first rule is mainly there just to emphasize that the page would not be used to document vanilla behavior - especially newer behavior, such as the ability for undead mobs to wear armor, or chickens and pigs no longer responding to wheat.

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