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MoonCraft [Semi-Private][Hamachi][FTB-Unleashed][Whitelist]

MoonCraft Private Hamachi Unleashed Whitelist

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  • IGN:Kegdian
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

Hello, Glad you chose to take a look at my topic. I'm a growing server owner, hoping to start owning a semi-private FTB Unleashed server. The rules will be simple.

1. No Griefing

2. Be Nice..

3. And of course, have fun!

I hope we can have some people to join us and have just a great time, I will be putting up a whitelist, so please make sure to apply in a post. My Skype is: BrazeEX if you need to contact me. We will also be hosting a RaidCall server, make sure to get it!

White list App:

FTB Experience:
What you can contribute:
Why should we pick you:

Skype(If one):
Additional Info (if some):

Hope to see you soon!

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  • Location:minecraftia
  • IGN:xfritz5375
  • Modpack:Direwolf20 1.5 Pack

Age: 11
Location: USA
FTB Experience: Not the best, but I understand about everything except computercraft
What you can contribute: I will help people gather materials to make complicated builds
Why should we pick you: I want to help everyone and build things for the whole community
IGN: xfritz5375
Additional Info (if some): I am a mature person who will help anyone who joins the server who needs help.

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  • IGN:i_own_creepers
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

Age: 13
Location: London
FTB Experience: been playing mod packs for 2 years and I am really good with ALL mods
What you can contribute: I like to help people and I like to make mini-games and awesome builds!
Why should we pick you: Because I play alot and I just love playing FTB
IGN: i_own_creepers

Skype(If one): nicholash1999
Additional Info (if some): I have hamachi, and teamspeak to!



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  • IGN:OrcaSea
  • Modpack:MindCrack Pack

Age: 19
Location: United States
FTB Experience: My experience mostly lies within buildcraft, industiralcraft, forestry, and thaumcraft
What you can contribute: I can learn fast and help others with basics of mods once i learn them
Why should we pick you: I being part of a friendly community and like to help others
IGN: OrcaSea

Skype(If one): orcasea101
Additional Info (if some): I have hamachi and would like to join a cooperative community


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  • IGN:Rey5021
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

FTB Experience:Played on many servers and very known with the mods
What you can contribute: I can donate and help out others
Why should we pick you: I am a very kind player and likes to help others
IGN: Rey5021

Additional Info (If some): I would be really happy if you let me join because other FTB servers are so OP with the donations and donaters

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  • IGN:ninja433
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

 age 12

Location /USA

Knows every mod

I can help out other players i am kind and friendly

Ign ninja433

Ninja433710 is my skpye

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: MoonCraft, Private, Hamachi, Unleashed, Whitelist

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