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world will not load after making a plate rolling m/c

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  • IGN:jonnyhicks
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So, i needed a plate bender (sorry i put roller in the thrad title).

Made it with no problems.

Placed it and the game instantly froze up on me.

Rebooted laptop and tried to restart the game


The FTB launcher started up ok, got to the MOJANG splash screen ok, selected my single player game ok,


but, i get the game hanging when its loading and saying 'GENERATING TERRAIN'


Im guessing its something to do with the plate bending machine i placed.]]I can log into my mates server with no problem and theres all sorts of machines and stuff we have built.


Any ideas?

Is there a crash file i can post to give you any more info?


Cheers in advance





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right, so i disabled the gregtech mod in the launcher and i managed to get into the game.

i then left and enabled it and made another plate bender.


Game locks up again as soon as i connect it to power


I can place it anywhere ok, but connecting it seems to be the problem.


Im guessing it may be the way im connecting it. im using gold redstone pipes that come off my sterling engine.


I will do some more research into powering greg stuff





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Yup, it's likely your power situation. I'm pretty sure that I've heard of a bug that, if you connect any GregTech machines to Buildcraft power pipes before adding the buildcraft-conversion upgrade, you'll crash. Try breaking any adjacent pipes, placing the machine, adding the upgrade, and then connecting it again (an alternative would be to use the IndustrialCraft power it's natively designed to use, but that's your call).

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