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Traincraft and Liquid Loaders

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I can't for the life of me figure out why Traincraft tank carts and Railcraft liquid loaders won't work together for me.

Filling a standard railcraft tank cart with the loader works fine from either 1 or 2 blocks above the track, but attempting to fill a Traincraft tank cart has no effect. The loaders arm never moves down and the tank never fills up.


I've tried it with water in case Traincraft can only handle standard vanilla liquids, but still no luck.

Also tried with and without holding tracks, and as the tank carts are so large, with more than one adjacent loader. 


Does anyone know if its even possible?



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according to this link, it is a known issue that requires the latest dev build to fix.

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according to this link, it is a known issue that requires the latest dev build to fix.

Doh...I read that post as saying get the developer to fix it, rather than download the latest build...

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