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Private pack codes

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I want to make one post with every private pack code so I will put the list here. I also have trouble finding codes, so put any code you know in a reply.


Code: 152ngt
A 1.5.2 beta pack without gregtech


Code: 152wgt

A 1.5.2 beta pack with gregtech


Code: uhs

A pack that makes survival harder


Code: MInepg

A RPG modpack; they are adding divineRPG when FTB gets updated to allow 1.6 packs




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Does this include packs that WERE private but aren't now?


Either way, 152wgt is another. A 1.5.2 beta pack with GregTech.

Hope I helped!

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Check out http://ftbwiki.org/Private_Packs

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I tried these codes but they don't work. And if the wiki page is slower to update, this page can have the codes.




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I tried these codes but they don't work. And if the wiki page is slower to update, this page can have the codes.

Slower to update?

Why not update them yourself? That's what wikis are for (well, other than a few... *cough* http://wiki.feed-the-beast.com *cough*)!

Hope I helped!

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Yeah, a point of the community wiki is, as ZL123 said, being able to edit it. So if the codes do not work - don't hesitate to remove them.

Plus, people prefer to use wiki as a source of information, not the forum post. 

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Yeah, a point of the community wiki is, as ZL123 said, being able to edit it. So if the codes do not work - don't hesitate to remove them.

Plus, people prefer to use wiki as a source of information, not the forum post. 


Slower to update?

Why not update them yourself? That's what wikis are for (well, other than a few... *cough* http://wiki.feed-the-beast.com *cough*)!


Some people will forget to update, and it's harder.




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Some people will forget to update, and it's harder.

What? Who?

Hope I helped!

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Your forum post can be edited by you only. Well, forum mods as well.
Wiki can be edited by anyone.
What if you get bored/do not have internet access/don't actually know some private codes? Here the post will just stay covered with dust. If it's a wiki page - voila, anyone can help.

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Posting information like that here is misusing the forum. As others have pointed out it should be on the wiki.


Forum = Discussions.

Wiki = Publically editable knowledge-base.


You wouldn't try to have a discussion on a wiki page if a proper forum is available, and you shouldn't be posting information like that to the forum.

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