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YogCraft: Red Lines Appearing Everywhere

yogcraft minecraft ftb

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  • IGN:Wolfpack1711
  • Modpack:YogCraft Modpack

So my friend was crafting on YogCraft using his Power Tool, and he somehow brought up a ten-level enchantment table screen. He enchanted his sapphire sword with Knockback X on it- for free. It was boss. So, I told him he should try to figure out how to do it again. He didn't want to (for some reason), so I started pressing random buttons. While doing so, I accidentally pressed something that made these very bright and sharp red lines that looked like they outlined every block. We couldn't get rid of it. Does anybody know how to get rid of this? PLEASE HELP! I want to make myself up to him by figuring out how to fix it!




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Try pressing F7.

If that doesn't work, post a screenshot here.

Hope I helped!

YT: http://youtube.com/ZL234
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F7 or F9 should get rid of those. It sounds like the feature displaying which blocks mobs can spawn on (the other key toggles the display of chunk boundaries, I just forget which is which).


As for the enchanting thing, OPs can pull that up by pressing 'x' with their inventory open.

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