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Meteorite Impact in Russia

Global News Meteorite Russia

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I thought this was a crazy event worthy enough of being posted.


Source: Reuters
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Yea, just saw a video on it about youtube. It doesn't seem like many people died (at least, the video didn't say), but quite a few got injured due to broken glass shards. Interesting impact, since it was the biggest impact since 1908. Not to mention, there was recently a near miss, which could have done a ton more damage than this did. I blame living near KSC for knowing this...


Let's just be lucky that it wasn't worse. Our planet is a very fragile one.





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I did hear a bit about this on radio. I don't have much to say. Lucky not many got killed. Apparently nobody knows the death toll, and they're not sure it was a meteorite.

Hope I helped!

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Nobody died, about 1200 injured, but only 50 or so people were put to hospital. So those were some minor injures mostly.


PS Looks like my avatar matches the thread :P

And yeah, I actually live in Russia (Quite far away from the meteorite impact area though)

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