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Automating ME systems?

unleashed ME AE applied energistics automation

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Hey, apologies if this's already been discussed before, been trying to figure this out on my own to no avail.


Been wondering how to automate ME systems - to make them maintain X amount of Y item in the system at all times OR to continually craft things (e.g. Compressed Cobble -> Cobble). Partly wanting this to automate so I can have a constant amount of fertilizer in my system for my multifarms (though that could probably be done by sticking an interface on top of the multifarm right? I dunno)


Using FTB Unleashed, if that helps any.


If there's a topic about this already or this belongs in a different forum, feel free to point me there / move the topic. Sorry!





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I am not sure about Unleashed, but I've done it in Ultimate.

You'll need a http://ftbwiki.org/ME_Level_Emitter, Export Bus, Import bus and a chest.


I've made a long bulky description, but I didn't like it, heh. So a quick how-to.

Level Emitter outputs signal when the amount of X in the ME system is lower than Ax. Emitter is connected to Export Bus.

Export bus with the option set to "always craft"  (*)  and "work when signal is high" (*) outputs item X to the chest. Recipe for item X should be provided via a pattern. (**).

Import bus grabs everything from the chest.


(*) Haven't played recent versions, and can forget the exact names for these options.

(**) Don't remember this part at all. I _think_ it worked like this. So if you place a recipe of a furnace into MAC and place a furnace as an output item to the Export bus, it should output furnaces. Once again, I am not sure. I succeeded at automating string and frame production for the Alvearies in my Ultimate world, but it was long ago. Infinite henequen->strings, strings+sticks->Frames if the amount of frames is lower than 100.

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I'll have to try that soon - I think that block is exactly what I'm looking for, but didn't know it existed. Thanks so much!




I made this kinda-ugly setup... crafts fertilizer when I have less than 64 in my system. Still working out kinks (it's a maniac) but it's a start. Again, thanks!



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Yeah, this is exactly how my system looked, too ;)

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Oh, also, derp, it'd probably help if I posted specifics since we were using different packs -


Level emitter set to emit a signal when fertilizer runs below 64

Precision export bus is set to export fertilizer

Active With Signal

Always Craft Items

My MAC has the crafting recipe for fertilizer


Again, thanks!




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You can get rid of the chest by having the ME exporter exporting directly into a ME interface.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: unleashed, ME, AE, applied energistics, automation

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