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Unleashed Corrupted player.dat

player crash corrupt data dat unleashed join help log file

Best Answer dgelessus , 08 November 2013 - 12:05 PM

That is not a good thing... usually it is pretty hard, if not impossible, to repair a corrupted file like that. If you have any backups, you can just use an old file.

Otherwise it shouldn't be too hard to get the items back - most can be cheated in via NEI, and you can get the Mystcraft pages from the Creative Mode Notebook. Just throw that away after you got the pages.

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I had my computer lock up on me and I had to do a hard reboot by holding down the power button. When I brought my server back up, one of my players .dat file was corrupt. I have tried loading it in single player and I got the attached crash log. Can someone look at the log and tell me if/how I can recover this player profile? They had a lot of end game items on them and mystcraft pages we can't admin back. (And it's my wife's profile and I'm in trouble if I can't solve it.)


edit: I'm using the Unleashed Modpack.

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✓  Best Answer

That is not a good thing... usually it is pretty hard, if not impossible, to repair a corrupted file like that. If you have any backups, you can just use an old file.

Otherwise it shouldn't be too hard to get the items back - most can be cheated in via NEI, and you can get the Mystcraft pages from the Creative Mode Notebook. Just throw that away after you got the pages.




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Thank you. I hadn't even thought about the creative notebook. I'll take a look into resurrecting her old player profile from a backup. Last one I have that worked was a few days ago.. Hope she's ok with what she had then.


Also, I keep getting issues with Enderstorage dat files failing on me and loosing our community high end tool storage. Any ideas on that?



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Do you always stop the server by typing "stop" and waiting for everything to stop correctly? It should say something like "press any key" in the end or just close. 'cause if you just close the command prompt window, things may not get saved correctly.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: player, crash, corrupt, data, dat, unleashed, join, help, log, file

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