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[MFFS] I hope I didn't break everything

mffs crash world tick ticking screen

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Was setting up my first MFFS system.


Put in some scale modules, they didn't seem to work, so I took them out with shift-click.


Minecraft exception in world tick'd and crashed.


Now it won't let me back into that server - it keeps giving me this:

Description: Ticking screen
EDIT: Friend/server admin got on and fixed it so hopefully I'll be able to log back in. But still though, what happened? O.O



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Sometimes when it says that it is just one time that that happens, but sometimes it keeps happening.  Try it again and see if it works.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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I have never had any luck with MFFS stuff
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Maybe something was just lagging out the server... and the shift-click may have crashed your client.



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Yeah, the shift click bugged it out pretty hard. Friend / admin had to come break my system so I could log back in.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: mffs, crash, world tick, ticking screen

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