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Infinite XP

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Here is an easy way to get infinite XP:


  1. Smelt Iron Ingots into Refined Iron, you get XP when you take the Refined Iron out (doesn't work if you hold down shift and click them out)
  2. Macerate the Refined Iron into Iron Dust
  3. Smelt the Iron Dust into Iron Ingots
  4. Repeat as many times as you want

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This isnt quite as effective as a turtle/soul shards/brain in a jar xp farm, but cool idea.

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This isnt quite as effective as a turtle/soul shards/brain in a jar xp farm, but cool idea.

True, but this method requires very little machinery, filling up a soul shard takes a while.

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It does require constant EU, though. And, if you find some blaze spawners, you can use them to level up, plus they drop double exp.

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It does require constant EU, though. And, if you find some blaze spawners, you can use them to level up, plus they drop double exp.

Yes, but EU is not an issue when you get a few solar panels.

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I's say the only downside is that it's manual without the use of an infernal furnace (Which would create crazy amounts of flux if used in an automated fashion.) Then just add a few brain jars below it and come back to it whenever needed. Yet as said, even with the IF it's be quite slow. I'd only use it as a temporary way to get exp until I made a turtle XP farm.



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Just use vanilla spawners and move em with portal guns.


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Well, you can turn vanilla spawners into soul shards, which at the higher levels are faster and dont require light or closeness to the player.

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You can make it a bit easier with gold.

Gold dust -> Gold Ingot -> Get exp -> Gold dust


No need to smelt it twice unlike iron (to get refined iron)

Plus gold gives more xp than refined iron afaik.

Oh and thanks for this method btw!

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