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Downloadable wiki?

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Hey all, I'm a lurker of the wiki, but new member. I'm wondering if there is a download available of this wiki, as I cannot access the website from work, when I'm coming up with ideas (instead of working). If not, is it possible to implement downloadable dumps/backups?



    Steampunk Alchemist

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Didn't someone ask this on our old site? lol was it you?

There is no offline mode available atm afaik
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It was not me, but thanks for the quick reply. Do you know if it's a planned/proposed addition?



    Steampunk Alchemist

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I don't think so...

For one the wiki changes a LOT, for another that would decrease the foot traffic and make the usage unknown but we like to keep track of that to be sure we are doing things right.
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Downloading a wiki kinda defeats its purpose, which is that it can always be updated by anyone, and in turn always is more or less up to date ;) You could of course save individual pages, most browsers can do that.
There also is no simple way to just download all of a wiki's pages, at least not that I'm aware of. I'd also imagine that to be rather large, especially if you include all the images.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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Downloading a wiki kinda defeats its purpose, which is that it can always be updated by anyone, and in turn always is more or less up to date ;) You could of course save individual pages, most browsers can do that.
There also is no simple way to just download all of a wiki's pages, at least not that I'm aware of. I'd also imagine that to be rather large, especially if you include all the images.

True, good point you can save a single page!
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XKCD made a good point with this idea.



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