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Making categories

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I thought I'd have a go at sorting out the jumble that is the page categories.  There are lots of orphaned categories and some duplicates, plus a few that are probably not needed.


By the way, none of the maintenance reports in the Special Pages seem to work.  That doesn't help my cause.


The main reason I'm posting here is because these modpacks and mod names need to be sorted out.  For example, is it "Universal Electricity" or "Universal Electricity Pack" (the main page uses both)?  You can see in the Modpacks category what I've gone for regarding the modpack names, although the names of the individual mods should be confirmed too.


A little help here before I go any further?



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I've been missing the Special Pages too. It'd be very useful to have those again.


Categories indeed do not have any commonly accepted guidelines right now. I would suggest going by what each pack is named in the FTB Launcher, with the exception of not abbreviating FTB. i.e. "Universal Electricity Pack" instead of "Universal Electricity", but "Tech World" and not "Tech World Pack". "Feed The Beast Lite" and not "FTB Lite".


What I think is redundant though is having, for example, the "MindCrack Pack" modpack page in the MindCrack Pack category. That's like having an article called "Bird" in a category for bird species. Imho the pack categories should be for mods only.




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I've fixed the special pages.

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I've been missing the Special Pages too. It'd be very useful to have those again.


Categories indeed do not have any commonly accepted guidelines right now. I would suggest going by what each pack is named in the FTB Launcher, with the exception of not abbreviating FTB. i.e. "Universal Electricity Pack" instead of "Universal Electricity", but "Tech World" and not "Tech World Pack". "Feed The Beast Lite" and not "FTB Lite".


What I think is redundant though is having, for example, the "MindCrack Pack" modpack page in the MindCrack Pack category. That's like having an article called "Bird" in a category for bird species. Imho the pack categories should be for mods only.


Good idea.  i'll have to download it, then.  Yes, I'm strange; I'm here but I haven't played FTB myself.


A modpack's "front" page is still related to that modpack, though.  Plus, if you're looking at that page, you can immediately click the category link to see all pages related to that modpack.  I don't think it's bad to leave it in, but it can always be changed by popular vote.



I've fixed the special pages.

Thanks!  That'll be very useful.



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Yes, I'm strange; I'm here but I haven't played FTB myself.


To be completely honest with you I haven't played any FTB proper in months. I get most of my information from the internet or by looking through individual codes. Though I do often hop on creative mode to test things for the wiki.



A modpack's "front" page is still related to that modpack, though.  Plus, if you're looking at that page, you can immediately click the category link to see all pages related to that modpack.  I don't think it's bad to leave it in, but it can always be changed by popular vote.


Fair enough. I guess it's functional. You could get there through the "Mods" category just the same, although it is a bit less convenient, I agree.


((Also thanks RZR0!))

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