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FTBUltimate - MFR Rednet Missing

Missing blocks

Best Answer timrem , 13 November 2013 - 06:07 AM

FTB Ultimate runs on Minecraft 1.4.7, and thus uses the latest version of MFR it can: 2.3.2. RedNet items weren't added until MFR 2.4.0, which only works in Minecraft 1.5.x.

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Can anyone think of any reason Rednet blocks would be missing from Minefactory Reloaded? I tried a re-download of FTB Ultimate, and it still doesn't have Rednet for some reason.


Neither NEI nor the search in creative comes up with the rednet controller or rednet cable as an option. When attempting to craft it manually, it still doesn't appear.



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✓  Best Answer

FTB Ultimate runs on Minecraft 1.4.7, and thus uses the latest version of MFR it can: 2.3.2. RedNet items weren't added until MFR 2.4.0, which only works in Minecraft 1.5.x.




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Ah, ok. Thanks.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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Yeah sadly the Ultimate pack has been discontinued, Unleashed and Unhinged were what replaced it but the official replacement I think was the one of those two with GregTech.
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...but the official replacement I think was the one of those two with GregTech.

Hmm, I was under the impression that Unleashed (without GregTech) was the 'official' replacement for Ultimate, while Unhinged was an alternative pack designed by Greg for those who still wanted to use his mod.




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Hmmm. I wish Eloraam would update Red Power 2--it's the main reason I've stayed with Ultimate. The combination of lighting and flexibility of red wire has ben staples of what I build. I like mixing the plain colored RP2 lighting with Xycraft's blocky looking lights; it separates "powered" lights vs "emergency lighting" in the starships I like to make.

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