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What am I doing wrong here?

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    Steampunk Alchemist

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I completely forgot about one dimension, that is considered the easiest by many, but I think the yellow one is.  But the dimension is iceika, and you need snow blocks in a nether portal shape, and you light it with the twilight clock.

Ok I will give it another shot and try that, thanks!

there are mobs like wildfires from the nether that will make you ragequit hundreds of times.

...lol wow... wonderful... >.>
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...lol wow... wonderful... >.>

I always have to go in creative or heal myself with NEI (I'm not sure if that's even possible).



    Steampunk Alchemist

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light it with the twilight clock

OMFG you need 36 gold for this!?
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OMFG you need 36 gold for this!?

If you are having trouble with that, Slow's Stream pack has DivineRPG and Xeno's Reliquary, Thaumcraft, Thermal Expansion (so you only need 13 gold ore), Logistics Pipes, Railcraft, Obsidiplates, OmniTools, Iron Chest, Steves Carts, Forestry, Chicken Chunks, BiblioCraft, Buildcraft (for automatic mining), and Barrels.  All of those mods do something to make it easier.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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If you are having trouble with that, Slow's Stream pack has DivineRPG and Xeno's Reliquary, Thaumcraft, Thermal Expansion (so you only need 13 gold ore), Logistics Pipes, Railcraft, Obsidiplates, OmniTools, Iron Chest, Steves Carts, Forestry, Chicken Chunks, BiblioCraft, Buildcraft (for automatic mining), and Barrels.  All of those mods do something to make it easier.

You mean use a different modpack? ehhh idk
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36 shouldn't be too much... I find that much after 1/2 to 1 hour of mining in vanilla.

Hope I helped!

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    Steampunk Alchemist

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36 shouldn't be too much... I find that much after 1/2 to 1 hour of mining in vanilla.

I do too but then I get swarmed by these ice monsters before I can get back up and then I go directly to my last death point no more than two minutes later and it is ALL GONE somehow?! :'c
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I do too but then I get swarmed by these ice monsters before I can get back up and then I go directly to my last death point no more than two minutes later and it is ALL GONE somehow?! :'c

Snow, jungle, and desert biomes are the least safe to live in, mainly the jungle and snow.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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Snow, jungle, and desert biomes are the least safe to live in, mainly the jungle and snow.

Woah no fair, I always live in snow biomes...


Anyways I've made it to the snow dimension, there is a hole on the other end and when trying to come out of it some icepede-like thing followed me and is now waiting in the hole for me to go back in lol

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Woah no fair, I always live in snow biomes...


Anyways I've made it to the snow dimension, there is a hole on the other end and when trying to come out of it some icepede-like thing followed me and is now waiting in the hole for me to go back in lol

You need some good weapons and armor, I'd say an infinite durability sword such as the bloodgem sword, and a sword made from the shards that the mobs in the snow/jungle/nether drop, or any other high-damage sword.  And for armor, get some of the armor from the nether, I'm pretty sure it's netherite.  and before you go to the nether, you should have full realmite (NOT elite because there is a bug where it gives you less protection), a realmite pick, and a decent sword, and probably a bow with good enchants or a DivineRPG bow.  There are two ores in the nether, bloodgem and netherite.  And if you haven't spawned the Ancient Entity or the Watcher, then you should so you can get to the first dimension.  And if you ever decide to kill the ender dragon, then you will need a lot better armor because there are three mobs that are added, the ender watcher who has 40 health, the ender spider, who has 45 health, and the ender triplets, who are OP ender ghasts.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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You need some good weapons and armor, I'd say an infinite durability sword such as the bloodgem sword, and a sword made from the shards that the mobs in the snow/jungle/nether drop, or any other high-damage sword.  And for armor, get some of the armor from the nether, I'm pretty sure it's netherite.  and before you go to the nether, you should have full realmite (NOT elite because there is a bug where it gives you less protection), a realmite pick, and a decent sword, and probably a bow with good enchants or a DivineRPG bow.  There are two ores in the nether, bloodgem and netherite.  And if you haven't spawned the Ancient Entity or the Watcher, then you should so you can get to the first dimension.  And if you ever decide to kill the ender dragon, then you will need a lot better armor because there are three mobs that are added, the ender watcher who has 40 health, the ender spider, who has 45 health, and the ender triplets, who are OP ender ghasts.


I am supposed to keep those shards?! But... I've been turning them into gems... x.x

I have a stack of those gems I've made from the shards.


I found an ender spider, that was funny. It showed up on the map as an enderman and I looked for it to get the pearls but it turned out to be a spider...


Spawning monsters?! Is this Ars Magica now? lol



Woah no fair, I always live in snow biomes...

and that is why I made the Inuit culture for Millenaire.

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I am supposed to keep those shards?! But... I've been turning them into gems... x.x

I have a stack of those gems I've made from the shards.


I found an ender spider, that was funny. It showed up on the map as an enderman and I looked for it to get the pearls but it turned out to be a spider...


Spawning monsters?! Is this Ars Magica now? lol



and that is why I made the Inuit culture for Millenaire.

The ender spiders can spawn in the overworld, and you use the stones to make weapons, and  the mobs in jungles also drop their own shards.  I'm pretty sure the snow ones give slowness and the jungle ones give poison.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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The ender spiders can spawn in the overworld, and you use the stones to make weapons, and  the mobs in jungles also drop their own shards.  I'm pretty sure the snow ones give slowness and the jungle ones give poison.

Am I supposed to keep those shards or is turning them into gems ok?
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Am I supposed to keep those shards or is turning them into gems ok?

You need to turn them into gems.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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You need to turn them into gems.

Ah ok good, I checked NEI and saw that they don't make anything other than the gems so that was why I've been turning them to gems.
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Ah ok good, I checked NEI and saw that they don't make anything other than the gems so that was why I've been turning them to gems.

I think you make bows, swords, and Angelic Armor with Ice Stones, but it requires a lot of bluefire stones, and it provides low protection, but you basically act like you're swimming, but without drowning, in the air, so you can fly.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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I think you make bows, swords, and Angelic Armor with Ice Stones, but it requires a lot of bluefire stones, and it provides low protection, but you basically act like you're swimming, but without drowning, in the air, so you can fly.

After many, many, MANY deaths I was able to encase the portal so I could enter the snow dimension safely and then I explored a bit and found these horrible monster men that trade things with me.

Ehhh... this seems less interesting now, I mean if it had other mods like the stuff from Ultimate it could have been fun...
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After many, many, MANY deaths I was able to encase the portal so I could enter the snow dimension safely and then I explored a bit and found these horrible monster men that trade things with me.

Ehhh... this seems less interesting now, I mean if it had other mods like the stuff from Ultimate it could have been fun...

That's basically Slow's Stream.  The only missing mod is IC2, but Thermal Expansion is in.

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