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Question about ocean generation in Biomes O' Plenty

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I have created a FTB Unleashed world on our server and chose Biomes O' Plenty as the generation type. The question I have is that we have been playing it for a while now and I have heard there is an option to turn ocean generation off in BOP. I know that would not get rid of oceans completely but it would make them much much smaller than they are now. If I do this where and would I see a difference in the world I have now? Would this change take place in chunks that have not been explored yet, would change the whole world, or wouldn't do anything since the map has been generated already?


Thank you for your help.



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Man, I've noticed something like that too. 


I drink liquid ender for the luls sometimes - it warps you 10k-12k blocks away from where you started - and I almost ALWAYS end up in the SAME ocean. It's nearly 15k blocks wide. Oceans are huge, but that's a bit ridiculous.


I haven't really heard anything about tweaking biome generation... quick Google search yielded nothing useful either. D:



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You could try turning off the respective biome in the BOP config.

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