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Failed to save settings

launcher java

Best Answer dgelessus , 16 November 2013 - 03:47 PM

That sounds like another one of those open file errors... close all programs, try again. If it still fails, reboot, try again. If that doesn't help, rename the file specified in the error to something else, so the launcher will recreate it.

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Failed to save settings: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\ftblauncher\ftblaunch.cfg (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open)
^That, I've been getting that during FTB startup. Like, right when I open the launcher. It won't let me boot any modpacks when it shows that.
Given my latest mess of problems I can't help but think this is connected...
I have no idea what could be keeping that file open, if I understand that right. 



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✓  Best Answer

That sounds like another one of those open file errors... close all programs, try again. If it still fails, reboot, try again. If that doesn't help, rename the file specified in the error to something else, so the launcher will recreate it.



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Given FTB was imploding everywhere with the texture pack error too, I dumped Java and moved all the FTB stuff to my external, re-downloaded everything, reinstalled Java... probably overkill. Fixed the problem, though.



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Actually doing a clean Java install is never such a bad thing. Sometimes old Javas happen to lurk around on your system, which are used instead of newer ones and are buggy.



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I've seen that happen. I didn't pay much attention when I was uninstalling, but I think I had the 7.25 instead of 7.45 Java installed... why it didn't prompt me to update, I don't know.



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I've seen that happen. I didn't pay much attention when I was uninstalling, but I think I had the 7.25 instead of 7.45 Java installed... why it didn't prompt me to update, I don't know.

The auto-updater is terrible. Sometimes I even have trouble manually kicking it off.

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