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[STDOUT] Reading Entity - Wont Stop Spamming Console

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System OS : Linux Mint

Server Version of MineCraft: 1.5.2

Server FTB Version: Unleashed 1.1.6 with almost all mods, except DeathTimerBeta, NetherOres, and Vending

Dates of occurances: 11/15/13 and 11/16/13 (possibly more)


I dont know what is causing this error.... that's why i am here...

Please help me get rid of this error !!

I dont know what causes it or why it shows up... but when i got to my server console to just do a routine check on my guys, it had spammed the console like 20 times a second, for quite a while....

I believe the final count was somewhere around 1,300,000 times of just   " [STDOUT] Reading Entity. " spammed line after line....

By the time i typed stop in console i couldnt even see anything else in the Terminal window.


Any feedback or comments would be much appreciated.

If you need to reach me urgently, my skype is      gunner_17ar


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  • ss (2013-11-16 at 06.33.08).jpg



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The error message is not very specific about where it came from (which is the mod author's fault). Considering that it appers so often, I'd say that you accidentally tuned on the debug mode of some mod, which causes it to spam the console with uninteresting info. If you remember having turned it on, good. If not, you could first try creating a new world and seeing if the error appears there as well.

btw, that fancy font isn't being very helpful.



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Although not certain, I think that the reading entity messages are from forestry when loading chunks that contains butterflies. Don't quote me on it though. I get them often in my servers log as well, but they don't seem to cause any decrease in performance.

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Mkay, i just went through each line of code on the server when it started itself up .....

STDOUT deals with, from what I can see in my start-up loading -- 

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You can't really be certain about that, any mod can use STDOUT. It's the default generic console output for any program.



Yes, of course it is STDOUT. Just a typo.



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Although not certain, I think that the reading entity messages are from forestry when loading chunks that contains butterflies. Don't quote me on it though. I get them often in my servers log as well, but they don't seem to cause any decrease in performance.


This is what I'm thinking.


Do you breed trees / have bee stuff near trees?




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You can't really be certain about that, any mod can use STOUT. It's the default generic console output for any program.

thats why i said  FROM WHAT I CAN SEE .... meaning thats not all but thats whats there.........




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This is what I'm thinking.


Do you breed trees / have bee stuff near trees?

I dont know what all 64 of my players do .... I personally dont, no.



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thats why i said  FROM WHAT I CAN SEE .... meaning thats not all but thats whats there.........


Attitude is going to get you nowhere. STDOUT is a standard output thing, what mods use to print to console. It doesn't really mean much.




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You can't really be certain about that, any mod can use STOUT. It's the default generic console output for any program.

It's STDOUT. Just sayin'.

Hope I helped!

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It's STDOUT. Just sayin'.

Whoops, typo. Probably wrote that one on my iPad ;)

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Wow! I did some testing around with the game while watching my Terminal .... Its the damn NETHER causing all my problems!!

I would go into the portal and i'd get 4 "reading entity" lines while i was standing in one spot....

Then when i'd exit, the console would start its' spam!

Well, i'm glad i figured that out ...




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Wow! I did some testing around with the game while watching my Terminal .... Its the damn NETHER causing all my problems!!

I would go into the portal and i'd get 4 "reading entity" lines while i was standing in one spot....

Then when i'd exit, the console would start its' spam!

Well, i'm glad i figured that out ...

Hm. Maybe it's Natura or Thaumcraft, as those add mobs to the Nether.

Hope I helped!

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