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is it possible to get a fortune book enchantment?

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ive been trying to enchant books with a fortune enchantment for about two hours and i cant get anything with a fortune enchantment please help!!




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You can, but it is really rare.

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The probability can be found here: http://media-mcw.cur...ility_Chart.png

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The probability can be found here: http://media-mcw.cur...ility_Chart.png

This chart only takes into account the vanilla enchantments. As there are many mods in Feed the Beast which add different enchantments (such as Fiery Aura from Twilight Forest, many enchantments such as Haste and Frugal from Thaumcraft, and Vorpal from RedPower2) a Fortune book, already rare, is even more rare in Feed the Beast.


Unfortunately, if you're enchanting a book, the only good way to go about it is to just keep on trying, as there's no good way of knowing how frequent books such as Fortune will be.

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Oh snap, that's correct.

Well, FTB has much more options for getting XP quicker than in vanilla MC anyway.

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thanks guys i appreciate the help :)



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I myself have been grinding for Silk Touch, and I have actually gotten a fortune book. It is level 3 (i think), and I got it when enchanting a book at lvl 24. If you haven't gotten one yet, theres a start.




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I think it would be better to find it in chest anywhere


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I think it would be better to find it in chest anywhere

Also, when searching in dungeon chests, you CAN find a portal gun, which is VERY valuable with gregtech installed.

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Also, when searching in dungeon chests, you CAN find a portal gun, which is VERY valuable with gregtech installed.

Yep, Ive found two so far, made my day.

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I found one two. I haven't found a use for gregtect thought with it.


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It is very expensive with gregtech installed.

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Oh. You mean with the portal hole? Because i think that a fair recipe for a epic portal gun.


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Oh. You mean with the portal hole? Because i think that a fair recipe for a epic portal gun.

That is why they are great to find in dungeon chests.

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If something is hard, that doesn't mean it's because of Gregtech.
Portal gun's recipe is "expensive" in all modpacks but the Beta A pack.

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