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Okay I think I misread something.

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You just didn't have the remove the rest of the grey part


remove the grey background!

Hope I helped!

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Like I said, I misread it. I thought when you said "crop it" and then "remove the grey background" you were meaning the same thing. :S

Didn't we have some fun, though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said "Goodbye", and you were like, "No way!" And then I was all, "We pretended we were going to murder you." That was great.



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PS The person who did (and still does) block rendering for main minecraft wiki is using Blender.

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I see you changed the title there.

Hope I helped!

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PS The person who did (and still does) block rendering for main minecraft wiki is using Blender.

I kind of thought so but wasn't sure. I will see if I can get that to work.



I see you changed the title there.

Yup xD

Didn't we have some fun, though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said "Goodbye", and you were like, "No way!" And then I was all, "We pretended we were going to murder you." That was great.



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Late reply to ZL - I asked (somewhere, dunno if it was this thread :D) how to get isometric block renders.

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This may be a stupid question but if someone could tell me how to get the images for the blocks (the 3D ones) that would be great. Here is the template if you are interested.

We request that you do not double post. If you have to make a new post it is better that you just click the edit button.

I might just have to screencap the block in my inventory and edit out the grey if nobody has an answer.

This works even for blocks.

PS The person who did (and still does) block rendering for main minecraft wiki is using Blender.

lol WOW that is one way to do it!
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This works even for blocks.


I might just have to screencap the block in my inventory and edit out the grey if nobody has an answer.

Unless you meant blocks placed in the world. In that case:


You can't really just take a screenshot of the block, crop it and remove the background, because it has to be at a certain angle really.

Hope I helped!

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Unless you meant blocks placed in the world. In that case:



Yup, like I said before, I misread it.

Didn't we have some fun, though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said "Goodbye", and you were like, "No way!" And then I was all, "We pretended we were going to murder you." That was great.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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You can't really just take a screenshot of the block, crop it and remove the background, because it has to be at a certain angle really.

But... you can?
I am sure most of these were like that...
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I am making really good progress and cleaning up the Dimensional Doors page. I have the whole navigation set up and am now working on getting all the new pages set, while doing some in-game testing to get fairly accurate info.

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Didn't we have some fun, though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said "Goodbye", and you were like, "No way!" And then I was all, "We pretended we were going to murder you." That was great.




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But... you can?
I am sure most of these were like that...

Well, if you can get it at the exactly perfect angle and the right lighting...


Yup, like I said before, I misread it.

Apparently you misread again, because that was a reply to felinoel.

Hope I helped!

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Well, if you can get it at the exactly perfect angle and the right lighting...


Apparently you misread again, because that was a reply to felinoel.


Uh... the bottom two are addressed to me...?

Didn't we have some fun, though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said "Goodbye", and you were like, "No way!" And then I was all, "We pretended we were going to murder you." That was great.




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Uh... the bottom two are addressed to me...?

You just misread, because they are written by you and they are answers to fel's question.

Hope I helped!

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Well, if you can get it at the exactly perfect angle and the right lighting...

Perfection is not important.
Illustrating an article is.
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Perfection is not important.
Illustrating an article is.

I tried doing it once. RZR0 (very quickly, I must say) uploaded a most bestestest version.


Hope I helped!

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    Steampunk Alchemist

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I tried doing it once. RZR0 (very quickly, I must say) uploaded a most bestestest version.

Perfection is not important.
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Perfection is not important.

Daheck are you talking to me about that for.

Hope I helped!

YT: http://youtube.com/ZL234
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    Steampunk Alchemist

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Daheck are you talking to me about that for.

Well, if you can get it at the exactly perfect angle and the right lighting...

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Daheck are you talking to me about that for.

Well, if you can get it at the exactly perfect angle and the right lighting...


You replied to the wrong post?

Hope I helped!

YT: http://youtube.com/ZL234
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZL234

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