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Saxons (FTB compatibility addon mod for Millenaire)

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    Steampunk Alchemist

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Maybe copper should have no Carus aspect, silver should have 1, and gold 64.

Ha, was just talking to MadCrayloz about this and he and I came to the same thought.


Isn't 64 Carus a lot?

How much does a gold ingot have?


Yeah it is a TON of Carus.

Ok no Carus for the copper and silver currencies, but maybe six for the golden one.


That still leaves Permutatio, Tempus, Alienis, and maybe Metallum, but likely not...



Ok so here is a list, how does this sound?

ML_denier.png Denier = 1 Permutatio

ML_denier_argent.png Denier Argent = 3 Permutatio, and 1 Tempus

ML_denier_or.png Denier Or = 6 Carus, 6 Permutatio, and 1 Tempus

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Hm, why Tempus?


Also, are you going to make them so that their aspects are almost the same with what they're made of?

Hope I helped!

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No, we discussed that.  It wouldn't make sense, since texture packs change the currency to paper money.  So, aspects like metalum wouldn't  make sense in that respect.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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Hm, why Tempus?


Also, are you going to make them so that their aspects are almost the same with what they're made of?

I chose Tempus (and gave the possibility of Alienis) because Millenaire cultures come from the 11th Century of Earth.

They are temporally displaced as well as spatially, therefore both Tempus and Alienis could be used.

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Okay, sounds good. Just to let you know, it's Permutatio, not Permutio.

Also it seems you'll be able to get lots of Tempus doing this, because otherwise Tempus is rarer and requires Gold/Redstone.


Other than that, it's good.

Hope I helped!

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Well, redstone is so common after a bit, no need for so much.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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Well, redstone is so common after a bit, no need for so much.

True, redstone is pretty common.

Maybe I should just make it silver and gold that have it though, thoughts?

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True, redstone is pretty common.

Maybe I should just make it silver and gold that have it though, thoughts?

Yeah, I'd think so. :P

Hope I helped!

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    Steampunk Alchemist

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Yeah, I'd think so. :P

So how does that look then?
Onto Norman foods now! Pork sausages, cow stomachs, hard apple cider, and apple brandy.
A special note, Millenaire food heals hearts directly.
I think the alcohol should have something fun, maybe ignis (fire), mortuus (death), mutatio (chaos), potentia (power/energy), precantatio (magic), or just venenum (poison). Thoughts?
Then maybe some animus for the cow stomachs, corpus for both cow stomachs and sausages, messis (crop) for hard apple cider and apple brandy, sano (heal) for all, and victus (food) for all.
Now for some nerfing to make this more balanced... hmmm
Hmmm, alcohol should probably instead be either mortuus (death), precantatio (magic), or just venenum (poison).
Here is where I will edit the aspects for Norman food.
ML_boudin_noir.png Boudin noir/Pork sasuage = ? Corpus, ? Sano, ? Victus
ML_tripes.pngTripe/Cow stomach = ? Animus, ? Corpus, ? Sano, ? Victus
ML_cider.pngCidre/Hard apple cider = ? Mortuus/Precantatio/Venenum, ? Messis, ? Sano
ML_calva.pngCalva/Apple brandy = ? Mortuus/Precantatio/Venenum, ? Messis, ? Sano
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A town with an army of golems !


if things are supper rare to obtain adjust them with higher aspects , if gold (currency) is hard to obtain.  




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Hm, how many hearts do they restore each?

Hope I helped!

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    Steampunk Alchemist

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A town with an army of golems !
if things are supper rare to obtain adjust them with higher aspects , if gold (currency) is hard to obtain.

So you say that due to the rarity of the gold currency, the aspects it has should be upped?

Hm, how many hearts do they restore each?


Tripes heal 5 hearts up to three times, cidre heals 2 hearts up to three times, and calva heals 2 hearts up to ten times.

Bourdin noir costs one silver, tripes cost two silver, cidre costs 60 copper, and calva costs 4 silver.
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For some reason I'm getting some weird déjà vu here, but never mind.



  • Boudin Noir: 6 Corpus, 18 Sano, 6 Victus
  • Tripes: 7 Corpus, 30 Sano, 8 Victus
  • Cidre: 5 Mortuus, 4 Venenum, 4 Messis, 12 Sano
  • Calva: 8 Mortuus, 8 Venenum, 6 Messis, 40 Sano

Hope I helped!

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40 of ANY aspect is just too much.  Try to keep it to like, 15 >.  More and you are just being rediculous.  However, I have no real contribution besides that.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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For some reason I'm getting some weird déjà vu here, but never mind.


  • Boudin Noir: 6 Corpus, 18 Sano, 6 Victus
  • Tripes: 7 Corpus, 30 Sano, 8 Victus
  • Cidre: 5 Mortuus, 4 Venenum, 4 Messis, 12 Sano
  • Calva: 8 Mortuus, 8 Venenum, 6 Messis, 40 Sano

You think to give the alcohol both death AND poison? Hmm, maybe just poison instead?

40 of ANY aspect is just too much.  Try to keep it to like, 15 >.  More and you are just being rediculous.  However, I have no real contribution besides that.

Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panels are worth 372 Lux though?
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You think to give the alcohol both death AND poison? Hmm, maybe just poison instead?
 Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panels are worth 372 Lux though?

I'm pretty sure Calva is MUCH MUCH MUCH easier to obtain than an ultimate panel.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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I'm pretty sure Calva is MUCH MUCH MUCH easier to obtain than an ultimate panel.

Ehhh... maybe about ten times easier?

Fine how about losing maybe ten Sano from both Tripe and Calva?

There is still the village wand and the wand of negation.
The village wand is what is used to spawn in villages and costs two gold as well as only being able to be bought when at a very high reputation with a culture.
The wand of negation is what you use to kill a village, or lone building (like bandit camps). You kill all the people and then use the wand and they will stop respawning. This wand cannot be bought and is available for free in every bandit camp chest, if you can both find one and survive the fight.

Maybe the village wand can have 1 carus because it is iconic and expensive? Other aspects for it could be fabrico, permutatio, and potentiia..?
As for the wand of negation... how about fractus, mortuus, tenebris, and vacuos?
Remember, all aspects listed do not need to be used, these are just my thoughts.

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Well, most items that heal hearts or give regeneration have the same amount of Sano as the number of health points they restore (1 hp = 1/2 heart), give or take one.

Same with normal foods, they give the same amount of Victus as the number of hunger points they restore, give or take one.


Are we not really going to follow that? If you really want, maybe the Millénaire foods could be (where U is amount of uses, R is how much it restores per use and S is Sano)...


3R(U-1) = 2S


or something strange like that.



Maybe the village wand could have a bit more than one bit of Carus... possibly three. So:

  • Village Wand: 3 Carus, 2 Fabrico, 4 Imperito, 6 Potentia
  • Wand of Negation: 7 Fractus, 4 Mortuus, 1 Vacuos

Hope I helped!

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Also, why are you trying to add new items to the game yet?  Why not see if you can even get it to nicely add the aspects to the items already added, and then branch out to new items?



    Steampunk Alchemist

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Well, most items that heal hearts or give regeneration have the same amount of Sano as the number of health points they restore (1 hp = 1/2 heart), give or take one.
Same with normal foods, they give the same amount of Victus as the number of hunger points they restore, give or take one.

Are we not really going to follow that? If you really want, maybe the Millénaire foods could be (where U is amount of uses, R is how much it restores per use and S is Sano)...

Well I didn't know that, that is good to know and is why I am discussing this. =b

Maybe the village wand could have a bit more than one bit of Carus... possibly three. So:

  • Village Wand: 3 Carus, 2 Fabrico, 4 Imperito, 6 Potentia
  • Wand of Negation: 7 Fractus, 4 Mortuus, 1 Vacuos

True, the wand is very expensive, few would just buy those for the aspects I like the sound of that.

Also, why are you trying to add new items to the game yet? Why not see if you can even get it to nicely add the aspects to the items already added, and then branch out to new items?

I am though? I am at the moment assigning aspects to Millenaire items.
I don't think I will add any new items.

So here is what I have assigned so far. Note changes if you want.
  • Village Wand: 3 Carus, 2 Fabrico, 4 Imperito, 6 Potentia
  • Wand of Negation: 7 Fractus, 4 Mortuus, 1 Vacuos
  • Denier: 1 Permutatio
  • Denier Argent: 3 Permutatio, and 1 Tempus
  • Denier Or: 6 Carus, 7 Permutatio, and 1 Tempus
  • Boudin noir: 6 Corpus, 10 Sano, 18 Victus
  • Tripes: 2 Animus, 7 Corpus, 30 Sano, 8 Victus
  • Cidre: 6 Venenum, 4 Messis, 12 Sano
  • Calva: 10 Venenum, 6 Messis, 40 Sano
  • Norman Axe: 1 Alienis,10 Instrumentum
  • Norman Broadsword: 2 Alienis, 12 Telum,
  • Norman Hoe: 1 Alienis, 10 Instrumentum
  • Norman Pickaxe: 2 Alienis, 10 Instrumentum
  • Norman Shovel: 1 Alienis,10 Instrumentum
  • Norman Helmet: 1 Alienis, 8 Tutamen
  • Norman Chestplate: 2 Alienis, 10 Tutamen
  • Norman Leggings: 1 Alienis, 10 Tutamen
  • Norman Boots:1 Alienis, 10 Tutamen
  • Amulette d'Yggdrasil
  • Amulette de Sköll et Rati
  • Amulette des Nains
  • Amulette du Corbeau
  • Bâtiments normands
  • Objets normands
  • Villageois normands
  • Parchemin complet
  • Parchemin du village
  • Colombages à croix
  • Colombages
  • Pomme à cidre
  • Tapisserie normande

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