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Mystcraft confusion


Best Answer Hippieshaman , 26 February 2013 - 02:20 PM


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I cant seem to get the hang of mystcraft. Now, I've gotten a small collection of pages in my notebook from the librarys I've managed to get to (From worlds so horrible I burnt the book the moment I got back to the overworld) but I'm not 100% sure how to use them. I'm relucant to use them in the descriptive books because that uses them up and the worlds usually give negative potion effects that make them unworthwhile for anything other than harvesting their immediate thaumcraft resources only to ditch the world after. I mean, A couple now have lit me on fire upon touching the sunlight. atleast 4 have been a small stone platform in a massive void of nothing (Thank the powers that be for jetpacks). And I can't make heads or tails of the writing desk as it doesn't look the same as several versions I've seen in playthroughs. So, To clarify, I'm playing the Direwolf20 pack build v5.1.1 which includes Mystcraft


I must be doing something wrong, As I've seen youtubers use mystcraft without these issues. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

And this is what the writing desk looks like, If that helps:




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I've never done Mystcraft as I don't play the DW20 modpack. Yet after reading through a tutorial, I think I got the gist of things. So hopefully someone more experienced can put my words into further detail.


From what I've seen, each symbols represents a part of your world. Whether that be world size/type, the biomes in said world or even the effects on the world. Certain symbols can clash with each other, causing the world to become unstable and bad effects happening (which will slowly kill the entire world.) I saw that while one symbol meant to only have two biomes. So if more than 2 biomes were in the book, the world would become unstable and slowly sink into itself. For what you've seen though, that "small platform in a massive void of nothing" is the Void world type. So it skips all world generation. It's a great place for building, but nothing else.


With it being an entirely new version of Mystcract (version, I'd say just have some fun with it and tinker a little. See what each symbol does to the world and begin creating your perfect world. That's what Minecraft is fun for, right? Exploration?



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I haven't done much Mysticraft either, but I know that exploring corrupted worlds is something that will naturally happen. The goal is to find a world that isn't corrupted, which is something of chance. Certain symbols give the world a higher chance of corruption, so if you want an age with a certain feature, than I would choose that, and then pick other "normal" symbols. That should lower your chance of corruption.


Another thing that should be noted is that symbols can stack on each other. Most symbols won't do anything extra, but certain ones, like dense ores, will multiply the affect. Of course, stacking will raise the chance of corruption, but if you are quick enough, you can sometimes outrun the corruption for a while and get the materials you need.




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How'd I miss that? Thanks, man.


I haven't done much Mysticraft either, but I know that exploring corrupted worlds is something that will naturally happen. The goal is to find a world that isn't corrupted, which is something of chance. Certain symbols give the world a higher chance of corruption, so if you want an age with a certain feature, than I would choose that, and then pick other "normal" symbols. That should lower your chance of corruption.


Another thing that should be noted is that symbols can stack on each other. Most symbols won't do anything extra, but certain ones, like dense ores, will multiply the affect. Of course, stacking will raise the chance of corruption, but if you are quick enough, you can sometimes outrun the corruption for a while and get the materials you need.

I've gotten the jist of modifyer stacking, But I can't spawn a world that's not corrutped to hell nomatter what I try. Even if I fill if with only negitive pages that forum posts claim to help reduce it. Though, After getting trapped in a nether world by getting my book destroyed by pigmen I had to mess with the files and use mc edit to cheat my way home. As this involved loading the world with mystcraft uninstalled all the pages are gone now. Quite an experiance. XD

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