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Best Answer dgelessus , 03 May 2014 - 09:16 PM

Try copying over the mods' config files as well, that will most likely work. If not, do what it says and change the mods' IDs to be in the listed free ranges.

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I found some ID conflicts while messing around with adding mods to Direwolf20 1.6. Will this be fixed in the next version of Universal Configs? I know some of these mods are rather new.


1014: microscope from advancedgenetics - blockquantumcomputer from QuantumCraft
1015: healCrystalBlock from advancedgenetics - orequantum from QuantumCraft
1016: autoScraper from advancedgenetics - orequantum from QuantumCraft
1017: dnaInsulator from advancedgenetics - blockqblock from QuantumCraft
1018: dnaCloner from advancedgenetics - quantumlogic from QuantumCraft
4080: crowley.skyblock.crucible_unfired from crowley.skyblock - TFUncraftingTable from TwilightForest
4081: crowley.skyblock.crucible from crowley.skyblock - blockThermalMonitor from IC2NuclearControl
4082: crowley.skyblock.barrel_stone from crowley.skyblock - extrautils:decorativeBlock2 from ExtraUtilities
Suggested Ranges: 1556-1752 (197 IDs), 3711-3897 (187 IDs), 3900-4027 (128 IDs)

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Are you adding 1.6 mods to a 1.6 pack? are they both fully updated?

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Punching trees, falling off cliffs, punching grass... Now that i think of it, Minecraft sounds painful.                                                                                                 

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Yes to all. And I'm taking extra mods from other FTB 1.6 packs, so the Universal Configs should've kept this from happening. But if they didn't add Ex Nihilo and Advanced Genetics to the configs yet, that would explain why. Either that, or they just missed something.

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They might not have. Might wanna ask them on twitter or IRC.

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Punching trees, falling off cliffs, punching grass... Now that i think of it, Minecraft sounds painful.                                                                                                 

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✓  Best Answer

Try copying over the mods' config files as well, that will most likely work. If not, do what it says and change the mods' IDs to be in the listed free ranges.



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Do I change all the mod IDs, or just the conflicting ones? And will Ex Aliquo still work if I change the Ex Nihilo mod files?(I'm clueless about IRC DX)

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Just the conflicting ones. And the ex's should recognize each other no matter what, almost.


Change the ids above to here:


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Punching trees, falling off cliffs, punching grass... Now that i think of it, Minecraft sounds painful.                                                                                                 

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Ok, fixed Ex Nihilo, but the conflicting items from Advanced Genetics aren't in the config file. You can look for yourselves.



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Try changing the ones that are on the right versus all the adv genetics ones, still using the free IDs

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Punching trees, falling off cliffs, punching grass... Now that i think of it, Minecraft sounds painful.                                                                                                 

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Looks like the fun just got better. The game has crashed!(but not because of your ID suggestions, they worked great!)


Looks like Ex Nihilo is causing more problems, but they are unrelated to the ID changes I made. 
EDIT: These are CLASS files that are having problems, so I probably won't be able to fix them right? 

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Looks like the fun just got better. The game has crashed!(but not because of your ID suggestions, they worked great!)


Looks like Ex Nihilo is causing more problems, but they are unrelated to the ID changes I made. 
EDIT: These are CLASS files that are having problems, so I probably won't be able to fix them right? 


Class files are not meant to be tampered with, unfortunately.  Do you use bibiliocraft? Try taking that out and launching it,

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Punching trees, falling off cliffs, punching grass... Now that i think of it, Minecraft sounds painful.                                                                                                 

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It's just more ID conflicts, the items are registered differently so they didn't show up in the first list. Two items are trying to be #2301.



Slot 2301 is already occupied by jds.bibliocraft.bopwood.blocks.BlockCustomBookcase when adding exaliquo.blocks.ores.OreArdite

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Disabling Bibliowoods BoP fixed it! No more ID conflicts! (For now...) I guess I'll have to wait until they work out the kinks in these new mods.

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You don't *have* to disable BiblioWoods, it's just the easiest way to fix the conflict. You can also just change the conflicting ID, like with the other mods.
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I guess I'll have to wait until they work out the kinks in these new mods.

They don't really intend to mix the mods in different packs together.That's why they're in different packs, so it's going to take quite a bit of work to make them all work together until Item IDs are finally dead. 



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until Item IDs are finally dead. 

i. e. Minecraft 1.7



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Well, 1.8 Until they're officially fully phased out.

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Well, 1.8 Until they're officially fully phased out.

Right, in 1.7 they can still be used in commands. The name-to-ID mapping is fully implemented though, so if you want to you no longer need to use IDs.

Things like entities/mobs, biomes and GUI screens still use IDs though.

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Oh so itll be possible in the future to have, like, a 500 mod pack?

What about names? Like copper form IC2 and TE?

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Punching trees, falling off cliffs, punching grass... Now that i think of it, Minecraft sounds painful.                                                                                                 

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Oh so itll be possible in the future to have, like, a 500 mod pack?

What about names? Like copper form IC2 and TE?

Yes. They'll have separate names so they can exist together. 

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ID, Conflicts, direwolf20, transfer, ex nihilo, qcraft, ic2 nuclear control, extra utilities, twilight forest, universal config

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