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Any advantages of using cells over cans(tin)?

gregtech mindcrack

Best Answer Hippieshaman , 05 March 2013 - 09:22 PM

They don't have any advantage really, other than a few liquids can't be placed in cans. With cans, you can right click on oil to harvest it, while with cells, you can't. If you are concerned that the cans/cells will get consumed (e.g when filling up a railcraft tank), simply use a liquid transposer and you get the cans/cells back.


When using an industrial centrifuge, industrial grinder or an industrial electrolyzer, you have to use cells as they don't accept cans.

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I've been harvesting lava and producing biomass to generate MJ and EU on my FTB world (Mindcrack mod pack, default gregtech settings), but I'm starting to get confused by the large array of containers (cells, tin cans, aluminum cans, capsules, buckets) available to store liquids.


It's kind of hard to tell when containers will be consumed and how containers can be filled.


I'm curious if there is any difference between using tin cans and tin cells. With gregtech enabled, tin cells are pretty expensive (1:1 tin ingot to container ratio), while tin cans are still created at a 4:1 ratio.


Is there any reason to use cells to store biomass/lava over just tin cans? I know cells are not interchangeable in most recipes, but in terms of actual liquid storage, do they have any advantage over tin cans?



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✓  Best Answer

They don't have any advantage really, other than a few liquids can't be placed in cans. With cans, you can right click on oil to harvest it, while with cells, you can't. If you are concerned that the cans/cells will get consumed (e.g when filling up a railcraft tank), simply use a liquid transposer and you get the cans/cells back.


When using an industrial centrifuge, industrial grinder or an industrial electrolyzer, you have to use cells as they don't accept cans.

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Thanks that helps quite a bit



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Another thing I should add is that if you are only going to use the cells with lava, you may want to consider XyCraft Cans. They can only hold water or lava, but if that's all you are going to use them for, it may be a good alternative to using tin. I'm not entirely sure if they work with the Transposer, so you may want to test them first.





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I do use the aluminum (Xycraft Aluminum, not Aluminium) I find for storing lava, however they have the disadvantage that they cannot be filled directly by clicking on a lava/water source block. Cells and cans are more like stackable buckets, while the aluminum cans are more like storage that have to be filled via an intermediary (glass tank, transposer).


There are also wax capsules, which I'm going to start using for biofuel once I stock up enough beeswax.


Thanks for the suggestion though -- it's always nice to find a good use for an otherwise unused resource.



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Cans and Refactory Wax capsules are advantageous for the Industrial Centrifuge/Lava method of gaining Copper, Tin, Electrum and Tungsten Dust since the gain (+8 Tin) is the same across all uses, but using cans/capsules means you can process more cycles without having to empty the centrifuge.  If your system is fully automated it doesn't really matter, but with hoppers / emptying by hand it means you can leave them running for longer with less work.  




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Just an update -- the aluminum can recipe was changed in latest Xycraft update. Instead of getting 12 aluminum cans for 4 aluminum, you now get 4 regular cans (same you would get from making cans with tin).


Any cans I did have actually disappeared with the update (anytime you moved them or picked them up they would disappear), which was kind of annoying.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: gregtech, mindcrack

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