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Server Hosting Guidelines

Guideline Rules

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  • IGN:ViperSRT3g
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Here are a small set of guidelines to follow when reviewing a hosting service.
  • Your thread's title will be the hosting service's name, then website. (Feed The Beast Forums - ftbforums.org)
  • When posting a review, please check to ensure a thread hasn't been created for your hosting service. This will ensure all reviews of a particular service are located in a single thread.
  • Please use proper English, it will make your review easier to read and understand.
  • Try to compartmentalize the information, such as splitting the review into pros and cons about the service.
  • Be thorough when writing your review. There is nothing wrong with a review that gives too much information. If the service involves money, it's great to get a good idea of the host's quality of service.
  • If you are still unsure of how to create your review, feel free to use the following template to get you started.
Hosting Service Name:
Hosting Service Website:
Service Features: (FTP, Personal IP, 24/7 Ticket/Live Chat Support)
Service UI: (Multicraft, McMyAdmin)
Service Plan: (Your service plan that you are reviewing from this company, posting the price is optional, but helpful for others)
Service Location: (Some service providers host their servers in certain geographical locations, list yours here)
Pros: (Additional comments about the good aspects of the hosting service)
Cons: (Additional comments about the negative aspects of the hosting service)
Final Rating: X/10
Would you recommend this service?: Yes/No
Comments: (Any additional comments you would like to provide)

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