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Forum rules

forum rules

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  • Operator
  • 1981 posts
  • IGN:RZR0
  • Modpack:Private Pack

We've finished working out the first version of the forum rules for these forums. Make sure you read them carefully! :)

  1. DO NOT display or encourage abusive behavior!
  2. DO NOT insult other forum members!
  3. DO NOT openly argue with staff members!
         If issues arise, discuss them via the private messaging system.
         If you feel you've been treated unfairly by a staff member, contact (another) administrator or the forum operator.
  4. DO NOT repetitively post in the incorrect forum!
         e.g.: Do not post World Seed discussions in the Mods forum.
  5. DO NOT share your account with other users!
         Forum accounts are free and don't take long to create, there is no need to share them.
  6. DO NOT create more than 1 account!
  7. DO NOT swear or use offensive language!
  8. DO NOT bump posts or post spam!
  9. TRY NOT to post twice in a row in the same topic, this is frowned upon.
         If you missed anything in your post, you can use the edit button to change it.
  10. TRY NOT to post or share personal information.
         We advise against sharing personal information such as your name, where you live or your phone number.
         If you do post any personal information, it's your own responsibility.
  11. TRY NOT to derail a thread's topic.


In addition to the main rules, the following actions will get you permanently banned from the forums immediately:

  1. Posting adult or gore related content
  2. Posting pirated or copyrighted material without permission of the owner
  3. Racism or any discrimination
  4. Threats of violence or harassment


Don't backseat moderate:


If any rules are being broken, report the offender by using the report button and the staff will deal with the issue.

Please don't try to moderate the forums yourself, let the staff do their job.

  • ViperSRT3g, ZL123, DuhWynning and 3 others like this

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