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Wikia Comment Pages

wiki wikia delete maintenance talk

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Would it be appropriate to delete the old comment pages left over from the Wikia migration? I'm talking about pages such as http://ftbwiki.org/T...-20130114121719, which were generated by the strange comment system Wikia uses. These pages are not linked to from anywhere, so the comments themselves aren't visible unless you know how to look for them, and the ones I've looked at seem mostly useless.


We could also move all the comments to the appropriate Talk pages, where they would be preserved and actually visible, before deleting the comment pages. The format of the page names seems to indicate the date of the post and the user, so we could convert those into standard signature format.


Alternately, we could link to these comment pages from the talk pages so they're not forgotten, or just leave everything as is. Because of the excessive length of these page names, I'd be opposed to these two options.


I'd be willing to help out with whatever is decided. Thoughts?



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I am not opposed to deleting these pages. Preserving the comments seems like a tedious task, and I don't think it's worth the hassle because there is very little valuable information that I think would be worth keeping.


If I were to decide, deleting them is the way to go. If we do keep them however, I would suggest doing so in the form of an archiving system common to wikis. Curious to see what other people think.



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I guess I'll get to work on deleting them, if no one else has anything to say before I get home from work.



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By and large they aren't very useful, I see no reason to keep them.



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Yeah, keeping these pages is just useless.

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I've finally gotten around to deleting all of the remaining comment pages.

  • ViperSRT3g, ZL123 and ostPavel like this

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: wiki, wikia, delete, maintenance, talk

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