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[Forestry] Phased Pollen?

bees forestry pollen phased

Best Answer Artsja , 15 March 2013 - 02:25 PM

Phased Pollen is a relatively new item from Thaumic Bees, produced by the Timely, Lordly and Doctoral bees. It's one of the few items with the Tempus aspect. At the moment it does not have any uses besides that though. I went ahead and checked the newer version of TB as well (which is currently not in FTB), and it doesn't seem to have a new use there either.

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Hey there,

I was wondering, what can you do with phased pollen?
NEI doesn't show any uses.
Is it used for a secret item of some sort, or is it due a future update?




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There's a lot of bee related items that are not shown in NEI, I'm not sure why.



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✓  Best Answer

Phased Pollen is a relatively new item from Thaumic Bees, produced by the Timely, Lordly and Doctoral bees. It's one of the few items with the Tempus aspect. At the moment it does not have any uses besides that though. I went ahead and checked the newer version of TB as well (which is currently not in FTB), and it doesn't seem to have a new use there either.

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So if that's true, then I guess it's used for its aspect, so you wouldn't have to keep making clocks over and over?




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On a side note, what "flowers" (I know cobblestone is one of them) needs rock pollination?



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Pretty much any stone-type block (cobblestone, stone bricks, stone, maybe moss stone and stone brick variant? not sure) can function as a "flower" for a rock-pollination bee. If you're asking what type of bee has Rock Pollination as a trait, I believe only Rocky bees have it. Using an Isolator to create Serum and then using an Inoculator can allow you to pass this trait onto other bees, though.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: bees, forestry, pollen, phased

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