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The New MC Alliance

Infinity Railcraft

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  • Members
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  • 1 posts
  • Location:London
  • IGN:m4j3ffr135
  • Modpack:Direwolf20 1.6 Pack

Hey guys,

My name is Mark, and I have been a YouTuber for 21 months now and a streamer since November 2014. I have made both Vanilla and FTB videos on my channel, although more recently I have focused on FTB and especially the Infinity pack. I am a huge fan of Railcraft and I am currently trying to build a fully automated quarry railway system. You can check out my videos here
 to see what I've been up to on my current server.

I am currently looking for fellow YouTubers and streamers to join me on a brand new server, The New MC Alliance. If you are not a YouTuber, you are still more than welcome to apply! The map will be the same as is currently being used, but with all areas outside the spawn town cleared out to allow for new players to join. Anyone who joins the server is free to record and stream as they wish, although I do request that collaboration be considered and that there is a focus on a community spirit. Right now I'm just gauging the interest in joining before I order a server, but as I am setting up the server myself there is flexibility to increase the size to allow more people to join if you'd like to invite your friends.

The rules will be finalized at a later date, but the usual rules (no banned items, racism or abuse of any kind) will of course apply.

If you are interested in applying to join the server, please answer the questions below in this thread and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Please be aware that I am planning to admit players slowly, so if your application is not immediately answered you will be on the waiting list as soon as I open up more places.

Thanks guys, and I look forward to hopefully seeing you soon!

In Game Name (Case Sensitive) -
Age - 
Based -
Normal Play Time - 
Play Style - 
Favourite Mod -
Solo or Group - 
Typer or talker (will you be joining our Teamspeak server) -
Would you be willing to contribute financially towards the running of the server ($1-2 per month) -
YouTube/Twitch channel (if applicable) -

United I Stand

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