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Help Perfomance Infinity fps optifine GPU

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  • Members
  • PipPip
  • 14 posts
  • IGN:MineCharls
  • Modpack:FTB Infinity

Hello. I'm a little bit tired of Vanilla Minecraft so after watching some videos I decided to try moded Minecraft. I was willing to start a survival map with Infinity but I'm having some troubles, as you probably are guessing, fps troubles :(. Well I'll told you everything I've tried to see if you can help me to start this new exciting adventure.


First I usually play vanilla minecraft and also Thaumcraft 5. My game experience here is not the best but at least its playable. I use Optifine allways and I usually get from 50 to 100 fps, dropping to 40 if it's a laggy zone. Bellow I live you my PC caracteristics (I have a laptop as I'm a student and I can afford a better PC) (Also the text is in spanish, my mother langauge, but I think  it's legible, if there's something you don't understand tell me and I'll traduce it for you :)). post 2.jpg  


Then I installed the laucher and tried to play Infinity, but it was imposible (10-20 fps) so I added Optifine and it got a little better (around 30fps) but with frequent lagspikes and fps drops even without loading new chuncks. It pretty strange as sometimes I get 60 or even 100 fps for some seconds but then it drops to 30 again. post 3.jpg


The game is playable but not enjoyable, and I think that fps will drop if I start using some mods so I started checking in the internet for some solutions to this perfomance. I'll list them right here:


First of all take into account that I start the launcher using my GPU as shown here post 1.jpg , althought I'm not really sure if Minecraft is using it as in Vanilla it shows both CPU and GPU in the F3 menu and I don't really understand how this work and if it's normal to show both of them. Here is a screenshot of my vanilla Minecraft to show you what I mean. post 4.jpg


Also I'm using latest java version for x64 bits systems. 


I'll also leave you my Optifine settings. post 5.jpg


I've linked the .jar files of FTB to use my GPU in the Envidia panel control.


I've tried some JVM arguments or whatever they are called but didn't make a difference.


I tried disabling fastcraft (as sometimes may cause perfomance issues) but it didn't make a difference neither.


I put 4 GB of RAM into FTB in the laucnher settings, no difference again.


I just wanted your help to know if I've tried all possible solutions or you know something that could help me or if I'm doing something wrong in order to avoid it.

Also if you don't think there's nothing I can do I gently ask you if you can lead me to the cheapest way to improve my laptop performance, if you know something of computers, as I don't.


Thank you very much for taking the time to read such a long post, and thank you in advance for your help :)

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