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Wiki in another language

Wiki Language

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    refuse collector

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  • Location:Dresden, Germany
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Hallo Community!

Sorry for my English, I'm German.
I'm new here and very impressed by the ftb wiki. I tried to find a post about the question, if other languages of the wiki are planned, but I haven't found anything.

So there is the question: Is that feature planned?


Developer (C#), Progressive Drummer
Fan of Gavin Harrison, best drummer ever:



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The wiki is already being translated in other languages. Feel free to help out.




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The wiki is already being translated in other languages. Feel free to help out.

It is?


Hallo Community!

Sorry for my English, I'm German.
I'm new here and very impressed by the ftb wiki. I tried to find a post about the question, if other languages of the wiki are planned, but I haven't found anything.

So there is the question: Is that feature planned?


The intention is to translate the wiki eventually, but we'd like to get the english version "finished" first. There's still quite a bit to document and improve upon.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Wiki, Language

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