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To-Do: Navigation Templates


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I crossed off Al-nav, As-UE-nav, EE-UE-nav and Fm-nav.

You are right that Blastcraft, Green Tech and Hawks Machinery are no longer available in the Ampz pack. I removed them from the list.


Thanks RZR0 also for taking care of updating the list for the new mods.


In regards to Blocks/Items, I feel it's situational. I also used the blocks/items on some occasions and with a small number of items it mostly works alright imho. I see where you're coming from though and I agree that it's definitely better to have another way of categorizing them, but I don't have a problem with it for the most part.




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I've used Blocks/Items as categories in several of the navs I've made for Ampz, as there aren't that many items that are added by any given mod in the Ampz pack. I'm open to other ideas, but I'm really not sure what other distinctions can be drawn for many of these, unless we were to combine all of the Ampz mods into one large navigation template for the entire pack, in which case it would be possible to make distinctions other than simply blocks and items.

I'll have a look when I've got some spare time :)




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I've added Natura to the list, the nav was already there, but I've filled it up, pretty much everything should be in there. http://ftbwiki.org/Template:N-nav

EDIT: And here's one for Thaumic Tinkerer: http://ftbwiki.org/Template:TT-nav

EDIT2: EnhancedPortals 2 from the 1.5.2 beta: http://ftbwiki.org/Template:EP2-nav



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RZR0, for shame, double-posting :P




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RZR0, for shame, double-posting :P

This needed urgent bumping :) With all of the new mods being added, we need more navs.

Added one for Biomes O' Plenty, but it's far from finished: http://ftbwiki.org/Template:BoP-nav



    Steampunk Alchemist

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Please post here if you have made any progress on any of these navs! Thanks!


I started on Millenaire's nav.


It is unfinished but the skeleton is done, just need to fill up the rest of the content.



This needed urgent bumping :) With all of the new mods being added, we need more navs.

Added one for Biomes O' Plenty, but it's far from finished: http://ftbwiki.org/Template:BoP-nav

When that need arises I edit the original post, cut it out, delete it, then make a new post with the original post in it.


It bumps the thread AND doesn't double post.

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Hi! I noticed that the Pam's HarvestCraft mod doesn't have a navigation template. I've previously added stuff to existing navigation templates, but I can't figure out how to make a new one.

Celestial Oblivion

Celestial Oblivion

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Hi! I noticed that the Pam's HarvestCraft mod doesn't have a navigation template. I've previously added stuff to existing navigation templates, but I can't figure out how to make a new one.


Copy and paste an existing one with similar content and then start changing it up line by line. Let us know if you don't understand a particular line or why something broke it. You may want to make a test page off of your user name while you're figuring it out, like I did when constructing the Vanilla nav template. You can then move the finished template to the official destination.



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Thanks for the answer! I'm going to try that now. :D




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There's still a pretty big amount of mods that need navs with all of the new mods added in 1.6.

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