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vertex.pw FTB Ultimate server!

ultimate server awesome cool vertex ftb

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  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate
Welcome to Vertex! Feed the Beast Ultimate!
This is the only server where all the great things about servers come together.
We are proud to offer grief, non-grief, PVP, non-PVP, Creative, survival, factions
and bukkit server all in one place.
- Bukkit is fully enabled, Giving the ability for us to add plugins not normally avaliable for default FTB.
- Residence is the protection plugin we use for our non-grief, non-PVP survival world and our creative world.
- Factions is used for another world where grief, raid and PVP is fully allowed.
- We offer a wide variety of donor ranks and items, giving players a much needed boost in resources.
- Our server is hosted and is up 24/7
- Economy is going to be a big part of our server when player owned shops are soon to be added
- Professional and experienced staff
- Lucrative rewards from voting
- Virtually lag-free

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ultimate, server, awesome, cool, vertex, ftb

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