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Brand New FTB Server. Currently Vanilla with no whitelist.

FTB feed the beast no whitelist

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  • IGN:baldchico
  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate

Well, i don't really have much to say about it, there is still alot of work to be done as we've had it for about a day or two but we felt like it would be better to have user who could feed back on what they think is alright so far, anyway... theres no whitelist(yet not sure if we'll add it) it's currently vanilla, this will definately change however as we plan to add some bukkit plugins.




I hope to see you on there!




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How is it FTB if it's a vanilla server?
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  • IGN:Firemx
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How is it FTB if it's a vanilla server?

He may mean vanilla, as in no plugins...


Though if he doesn't respond soon we may as well delete the thread.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: FTB, feed, the, beast, no whitelist

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